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What up, bitches? It's ya gurl, Lexi.

So what is this? It's a Q&A. What is that? Questions and Answers. Pretty much you ask me anything about myself or my stories and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.

It just got bored so I'll answer as many questions as I can. Before that, allowing me to answer the most frequent questions.

Are you really a girl?
Born and raised, baby.

Do you know IvanBullock?
Since we were just kiddos. We live together currently.

When will (story) be updated?
When I feel like it.

What's your favorite between Marvel and DC?
DC has better stories but Marvel has hotter women.

I'm fucking evil, I dunno.

Are you gay?
The door that swings both ways swings often.......yeah I'm Bi.

How tall are you?
Shut up.

Do you do art?
Sometimes. I designed my tattoos so....

Which is better? Monster High or Ever After High?
Both have a very special place in my heart.........Monster High.

Do you have a pet snake?
Yes I do. His name is Pancake and he is very handsome.

Are you really a girl?
I already said yes!

Favorite video game?
Bioshock 2. Better than the first and better than Infinite. Fight me, bitch.

Favorite colour?
You'll never know. MWAHAHAHAHA!

So yeah. Ask away!

Or ask (here) that way I can kinda sort them better. I guess it doesn't really matter, but whatever.


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