Lovely Luna (Luna Lovegood)

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You liked to play a game every year.

It was called "What will Harry Potter drag you into this year?"

It was a surprisingly hard game to play. Especially after your fourth year. You really had no idea what to expect anymore.

But beyond everything, you didn't ever expect to meet a strange girl who was currently carrying her everywhere she went.

You, much like your father Sirius, were an Animagi. And your animal form? It was a fox.

You often used your animal form, despite Professor Mcgonagall's protests, to sleep wherever you wanted. Usually in the trees or around the courtyard. No one usually ever bothered you unless it was Ron or Harry. Maybe Hermione to lecture you about being so careless.

But today was different. Today, you were suddenly snatched up by some girl you had never met before and carried away.

You were so much in shock that you couldn't do anything but go along with it.

When you looked up, you could only see a bit of her face. Though you did take note that she was a blonde girl and was a Ravenclaw. But what really caught your eye was hers.

They were silvery. Misty. Protuberant.

They were beautiful.

???: Don't worry, friend. We'll get you somewhere safe. My name is Luna. What's yours?

Was she talking to you? If she thought you were a real fox, then why would she be talking to you?

She was a bit....odd.

You turned your attention back to the hall before you. However, when you did, you spotted Professor Mcgonagall.

Or Mama Mcgonagall as you would sometimes call her.

She was looking at some papers but stopped when she saw you and this Luna girl. She watched her walk right past her while you gave her pleading eyes.

She began to ponder if she should just leave you to whatever fate had in store for you or to help you. This could be a great time to teach you a lesson.

But she decided that you had already learned a lesson today.

Mcgonagall: Excuse me, Ms. Lovegood.

The Luna girl stopped and turned around on her heels to give Mcgonagall her full attention. She still held you in her arms like a teddy bear.

Luna: Hello, Professor Mcgonagall. Lovely day.

Mcgonagall: Yes, it is. I see you have met Mr. Black today.

Luna looked down at you as you began to kick your legs (paws) to try and escape.

Y/N: <Angry Fox Noises>

You frantically began to shake around to get out of her grasp.

Luna lifted you up and turned you to look at you in full. She was now holding you like a cat.

She tilted her head while you just stared at her. Now that you were able to actually see her, you realized just how spaced out she looked. But, she was also really pretty.

Luna: His name is Mr. Black? That is an interesting name for a fox.

Mcgonagall: That is no fox, Mr. Lovegood. His name is Y/N Black. He is an Animagi.

Luna didn't seem to be really fazed by the reveal. She just looked at Mcgonagall.

Luna: Really? Like you?

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