The Big Bad Crush Pt. 1 (Cerise)

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Briar: You can't come to what?

Briar Beauty's shouting rivaled Professor Badwolf's. Really, you were impressed. You were walking down the hall with your hands in your pockets.

Y/N: I can't come to the party Saturday. I'm busy.

Briar: Busy doing what? It's the first party of the year. I'm going to be there. Apple's going to be there. Ashlyn's going to be there. Hex, even Raven Queen is going to be there along with the rest of the Rebels. So tell me what you're doing Saturday that's so important?

You winced.

Y/N: Ihavetogotodetention.

Briar: Sorry, didn't hear that. What'd you say?

Y/N: I said, I have to go to detention.

Briar stopped walking.

Briar: Hold up, did you just say that you have to go to detention?

You nodded. Briar laughed.

Briar: Who on earth gave you a detention? Who would do that? You're, like, everyone's favorite student. Aside from Apple, that is.

Y/N: Professor Badwolf.

Briar: You don't even have him.

Y/N: I do now. Baba Yaga switched me to his class this morning.

Briar raised an eyebrow.

Briar: Why?

Y/N: I have too many Heroics credits and need to diversify my interests. Her words, not mine.

Briar: Seriously? Does she realize that you're the son of Captain Hook and not a witch, or villain, or whatever? Or..I guess Hook is a villian?

Y/N: It's a matter of perspective. I don't know.

Apple: You don't know what?

Apple asked coming up beside you, her blonde curls bouncing. You watched her. Just like you, she was the exact image of perfection. A match set, the two of you were.

Briar: He's been switched from Heroics to General Villainy.

Apple: What!?

Apple seemed shocked, she probably was. Apple liked things to stay the same, which was funny considering that her roommate was Raven Queen.

Apple: Why?

You shrugged.

Y/N: Don't look at me.

You mentally cursed at Baba Yaga for making you take a class that you weren't at all the least bit interested in. You would've taken Damsel-in-Destressing over General Villiany. At least there were cute damsels in that class. And they were always in need of saving, well, except Darling, who was taking the course because her parents had forced her to.

Apple: What are you going to do?

Y/N: All that I can do. Attend the class.

Apple: Are you sure? Because I can go talk to Headmaster Grimm.

Y/N: I already tried that. Apparently it was his idea in the first place.

Apple: That's horrible. Why would he do that?

Briar: That's not even the worst part. He can't go to the party this weekend.

Apple: Why?

Briar: Because he got a detention!

You face palmed. At this rate, it wouldn't be long until the whole school knew.
Cerise sat down in the empty General Villainy classroom. Her father wasn't back from dinner yet and none of the other students wanted to arrive early to detention. Cerise was always early because then she got some time to talk normally with her dad.

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