Winter Wonderland (Raven Queen)

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Winter at Ever After High was a magical thing. Literally!

And this was where we found you. Y/N Hook aka the son of Captain Hook. A pirate. Someone who enjoyed the sea.

Which explained why you were so miserable.

You wore a heavier coat that had fur lining, much to the displeasure of one Rosabella Beauty, and a wool cap rather than your captain hat. You also wore a purple scarf, that clashed with your red and white clothing.

Then again, everyone knew better than to say anything cause they knew it was a gift from a special someone.

Raven: Come on, Y/N!

You frowned as Raven Queen hurried towards you. She grabbed your arm and pulled you along.

Yes, the scarf was a gift that your girlfriend made. Yes, your girlfriend was Raven Queen.

It was....actually almost a year ago that this happened.

You had always hated the snow. The winter was just a bad time in general. The ships didn't exactly have heaters on them. That was just a massive fire waiting to start.

So when you experienced your first winter at Ever After High, you weren't too thrilled. Actually, everyone at school noticed how much layers you wore.

Hunter: Uh, Hook?

You looked at him with a runny nose as you shivered. You wore two jackets over three shirts and some snow pants that you had found in town. You also wore a wool cap and thick gloves, yet you were still cold.

Hunter: You okay?

Y/N: I-I-I h-h-h-a-a-a-t-t-t-e-e-e t-t-t-h-h-h-e-e-e s-s-s-n-n-n-o-o-o-w-w-w.

You sneezed and rubbed your nose with your gloved finger. You the sniffed as you returned to your shivering. Hunter could actually feel the table shaking. He just tried to eat his soup.

Raven: Hey, guys.

Raven walked over to your table and took a seat across from you both. You were pretty good friends already, which was why she was slightly confused to find you in such a manner.

Raven: What's wrong with him?

Hunter: I found his one weakness. Cold.

Y/N: And crocodiles.

Raven: Cold crocodiles. Sounds like a great bad movie.

The three of you laughed at the joke, before you sneezed again. You rubbed your shoulders as you shivered. Raven raised a brow, honestly surpised.

Raven knew you to be a, somewhat stupidly, brave and colorful person. Seeing you so weak made her feel a bit...uneasy.

Raven: Maybe I can help.

Y/N: If it can stop this shaking, I'm in.

Raven nodded.
Raven: Ta-da!

She presented her gift. An enchanted scarf made by her own hands. You stared at it with narrowed eyes, unsure about accepting it. For starters, it was purple. Not your color. At least it didn't match anything other clothes you owned.

And you were also wary of most things enchanted. You were a pirate. Not a wizard. The only magic in your story was pixie dust and even then it was iffy.

Raven: So, what do you think?

You looked for the right words to say.

Maddie: I think it's hatastic!

You both looked at Raven's roommate, Maddie Hatter. She was new like you were since Wonderland was kinda....cursed. She was pretty cool, if a bit odd.

Though you figured she would grow out of it. She was only 14 after all.

Y/N: Yeah. Whatever it is she just said.

Raven smiled, relived that her hard work wouldn't go to waste. She pulled the scarf off of her dresser and walked over to you. You began to take off the layers of clothing you wore until you were just in a pair of pants and a shirt. You rubbed your shoulders before Raven suddenly moved the scarf around your neck.

You froze up and moved your arms to give her better access to work. Once it was comfortably done, you felt a sudden warmth surround you. You were actually warm.

Y/N: Huh.

Raven: How does it feel?

You patted yourself for a moment before smiling.

Y/N: I feel great! This is amazing!

Maddie: I would certainly hope so! Raven spent all night working on it.

You and Raven both looked at her with stone faces. Raven found her cheeks growing hotter before she shook her head.

Raven: I just didn't want you to wait forever! But, uh, I'm happy that you like it.

You smiled.

Y/N: Y-Yeah. Though, I guess I should pay you.

Raven waved her hands quickly.

Raven: N-No! You don't have to do that. It was nothing.

You still smiled.

Y/N: Nonsense. At least let me buy you a cup of hot cocoa or something. There's a place in town.

Raven: Hocus Latte? I've been meaning to stop by there....

Y/N: Perfect! We can go together and I you....a...cup.....

You slowed to a stop when you realized that you sounded like you were trying to ask her out. You smacked your lips for a second before clearing your throat.

Y/N: If you'd like.

You held your hands behind you back and awkwardly looked around the room. Raven herself found it hard to look at you as her face flushed red. She had never had a boy ask her out like this before. She was the daughter of the Evil Queen, after all.

She honestly didn't have many friends outside of you and Maddie. She was just that girl.

Y/N: So....what do you say?

Raven: I that.

You smiled a bit. It was at that moment, unbeknownst to both of you, that your relationship started. And it only got stronger from there.

Dates became more frequent, even if neither of you called them so. You started to get her gifts ever once and a while. She still wore her necklace with pride. And you both found it easier to deal with problems when you were at each other's sides.

And when Legacy Day came, you fully supported her decision to not sign the book. Even when Headmaster Grimm tried to convince you to try and "talk reason" into Raven, you simply turned him down the only way you knew how.

Y/N: Beat me in a duel and we have a deal.

Needless to say, Raven's choice still stands.

And now, after a whole year, you were here ice-skating with Raven. You both laughed as you held hands and did a kind of dance on the ice.

Your relationship had spread through the entire school and many supported it. Though, some still believed that Raven had placed a spell on you or something. But, you knew this love was pure.

Who knew that something so wonderful could come from something so cold?

Regardless, you were more than happy to wear the purple scarf she had gifted you a year ago. A symbol of your love.
Raven is done! She was hard to do. Her and Apple. I don't know why I did this to myself.

Anyway, that just leaves one last character for this collection.

The secret character herself.....

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