The Big Bad Crush Pt. 3 (Cerise)

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You shoved your way through the crowd of people milling about the lower levels of the bookball stadium, trying to make your way to the elevator. You sidestepped a werewolf wearing a black Wolves jersey and smiled to yourself. It had been too long since you had been to a professional bookball game.

Navigating your way through the rest of the crowd, you finally made it to the elevator where an attendant was standing guard. You nodded once to the attendant, flashing your pass as you stepped in to the elevator.

As the doors closed, you took a moment to soak in the silence. No doubt once you caught up with Darling there would be nothing but cheering and talking. You were looking forward to hanging out with your friend, but right now you needed to think.

Darling had invited you to a bookball game, and, while it was a very nice gesture and something that you definitely needed, you knew that she had some sort of alternative motive.

You loved your friend like a little sister, but you hadn't been to a bookball game with her since you were a first year. No. She wasn't just being sisterly. This was about something more.

The issue with Darling was that she liked to meddle. She wanted to be a knight and she took it as her personal duty to see to it that others were happy. She felt the need to help people, even if those people didn't want help. Right now, you got the feeling that you were the said person.

You ran through the possible reasons why Darling could've invited you. You couldn't come up with many, and the one that you did come up with was impossible.

Sure, Darling was friends with her, but so were a lot of people. Plus, she would never come to a bookball game, not when there was the possibility that you would be there. She had made it all to clear that she wanted nothing to do with you. Nothing at all.

The doors pinged open and you stepped in to the rather large and completely empty Charming box. You took your regular seat in the very front row and sighed. Darling would never do that to you. She would never try to fix your life or find you a date, because you didn't want her to. You didn't want other people to meddle in your affairs.

You stared at the green field below. You would forget about your friend's alternative motives and try to have a fun time. After all, there was no other person that you'd rather watch bookball with. Well, maybe one other person, but Cerise wasn't talking to you.

And she never would.
Cerise: Darling!

Cerise shouted in to her MirrorPhone.

Cerise: Where are you?

She glanced around from her position in the concessions line. She saw many blonde heads, but none of them belonged to one Darling Charming.

Darling: I'm running late. You should probably go up without me.

Cerise eyed the attendant next to the elevator warily. He didn't look like the person who would let just anyone in to that elevator. He appeared to be guarding it with his life, and the scary knives that rested at his side only helped reenforce that point.

Cerise: I'm not sure that's such a great idea.

On the other side of the line, Darling laughed.

Darling: You're looking at Johnson, aren't you?

Cerise: Who?

Darling: The attendant. I swear, he's a lot nicer than he looks. Just tell him that you're with me.

Cerise: Okay.

Cerise agreed to Darling's plan.

Cerise: Do you want me to get you anything to eat?

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