Chapter 19

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Nathaniel could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he got angrier. They hadn't changed, and neither did they reflect on their actions. "A leopard cannot change its spots." They would say. A part of Nathaniel was glad they didn't change. He had no desire to pity or forgive them- or have them slowly work their way back into his life. Nathaniel had already decided that he didn't want them in his life. It would be the last time his presence would grace them. Though he made the decision long ago, he stood firm in his resolve now more than ever.

"Do you even know how much pain my husband is in," Charlotte spat. "He was unconscious for hours. He could've died."

"Stop being so dramatic," Nathaniel scoffed. A few punches wouldn't have killed Howard. Her words stir the pit of his stomach. Gina was in far worse pain: being attacked like that, no one believing her. It left a scar on her life. "Maybe he'll start repenting since his life flashed before his eyes. He lived such a disgusting life."

Nathaniel remembered reading somewhere that the reason why our lives flash before our eyes is because the brain is searching for life. He didn't know how factual it was, but it was an interesting perspective. Howard's life was anything but good. He married into the Beaumont family. A man who grew up not lacking anything, he remained unsatisfied, searching for something more. He was greedy, and Charlotte Beaumont was his ticket to a higher stage in life. Howard was a confident and self-proclaimed man. He kept a well-groomed appearance, emphasizing stylish outfits to fit into his wife's affluent social circle. Despite his polished exterior, he often engages in infidelity and frequently casts lingering glances at other women. Howard was an unethical man hungry for women. Gina became his victim, and it was uncertain to know if she was his first or last.

Charlotte was loyal to a fault to her husband and ignored his flaws. She cared more about gossiping, maintaining her image in her social circle, and collecting designer purses. Charlotte was both the subject of gossip and a gossiper herself. However, she tried to hide the flaws of her relationship, saying her pride wouldn't allow her to get a divorce. Nathaniel thought of her as a clown putting on a show when the audience could already see through her cheap tricks. Nathaniel believed she wasn't right in the head for devoting herself to such a husband.

"Nathaniel, I understand you're upset," Victoria spoke. It was that annoyingly nice tone that she spoke with that irritated Nathaniel. It was the same tone Victoria would use when setting up dates for him or orchestrating awkward encounters with girls, meddling in situations he had no interest in. She made it seem like she was doing it from a genuine place. But it was always her way or the highway. "Try as we may. There's no evidence pointing towards Howard."

"Emily saw it!" Nathaniel shouted. "She wouldn't make something like that up. You saw what the situation did to her. You should have believed me if not anyone else as my-" Nathaniel couldn't bring himself to call her "mother" at the moment. "As a woman," He continued, glancing between Charlotte and Victoria. "You should've believed her," Nathaniel remembered how Howard would not outright deny the allegations. He would always say, Gina threw herself at him. "You could have all the evidence in the world, and you would make sure he doesn't end up in prison because that's the type of person you are. Maintain the family reputation, right?"

"We're here because," Benjamin interjected. "It was difficult convincing Charlotte and Howard not to press charges. It's the last bit of kindness we can show you." It was Benjamin's subtle way of telling Nathaniel that he would be on his own from now on. The Beaumont would no longer help him. But Nathaniel had been on his own for a long time.

"No wonder Johnathan left this place and never looked back," Nathaniel remarked. They were visibly shocked by the mention of Johnathan's name. He up and left one day, never to return. No one knew where he went or what life had been for him. They acted as if he never existed. "Think of me as another Johnathan."

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