Chapter 4

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Nathaniel Beaumont had numerous life experiences, but this was new to him. It was an experience unlike any he had ever known. His last-minute stop at the store led him to an encounter that Nathaniel never knew would be life-changing. Upon entering, he immediately spotted the stranger rummaging through his pockets. Nathaniel wanted to ignore the sight, but his consciousness wouldn't let him. His kindness led to his hands being taken hold of and witnessing what he could only describe as the sweetest smile upon offering help. The stranger's sudden comparison of their hands even though there wasn't much of a size difference, their willingness to repay him despite his refusal, their display of happiness after receiving ice cream, and their unwillingness to share, the intertwining of hands and a silly promise, all under the noticeable influence of alcohol, Nathaniel didn't hate it. It was a new and pleasant experience that made him forget what he came to buy.

That night, he apologized to his pouting cousin, who was eagerly waiting on her milk chocolate bars. The event ran through his mind ever so often as it was hard to forget. Giving the stranger his number, Nathaniel didn't expect a call. If it were him, he'd be too embarrassed recalling the incident after sobering up. An unknown number lit the screen of his phone, and at the very end, the stranger Nathaniel had met. The stranger's soft and playful tone was gone now, with a subtle huskiness as he spoke. Nathaniel was about to have lunch and invited Kanan to join him. A fact he kept to himself.

Nathaniel didn't desire compensation for the ice cream, but if Kanan insisted, he thought he might as well make the most of it. Nathaniel was unexpectedly in a good mood that day, something he cherished as his days have been a series of ups and downs lately. Leaving the store he gracefully attended to, leaving his jacket behind, a trail of herbs, spices, and citrus followed him. It was then that things started to go downhill. A single phone call ruined his day.

Sitting in Royal Brew Cafe, he answered the call. "What do you want?"

"You think I'm calling your phone because I want to?" His older brother said. "Mom's been nagging everyone about how you're not attending the party."

"I'm not going, and that's final."

Annoyed, his brother replied, "I'm sure you have something better to do with your miserable existence. It's better for everyone if you don't show up. I see you have a last shred of conscience for this family since you decided not to come. I don't know why Mom insists on having you there."

Nathaniel clenched his fist. The steam from his coffee depicts his rise in anger. "I swear to-"

"You swear what?" His brother cut him off. "For mom's sake, just-"

Nathaniel ended the call, leaving his brother to spew insults into a deadline. He didn't need to listen to that crap. Nathaniel was down a rabbit hole after, thoughts racing while gazing out the cafe window. His eyes were blank as he looked. Time passed unnoticed until his phone rang, something he came to hate. It was Kanan. Nathaniel wanted to calm himself and recapture the positive vibe he'd felt earlier. At the entrance, he noticed the tall figure. His caramel-toned skin provided a rich canvas for his features, a confident face with dark brown eyes. His naturally coiled black hair and toned physique, while his clothing effortlessly complimented him. It was indeed the man he met that night and waved him over.

Despite his efforts, Nathaniel could not hide his emotions. He felt remorseful for having to put Kanan in an uncomfortable position. As lunch, intended as a gesture of repayment-unfolded, Nathaniel thought about his mother and her relentless stance on his attendance, and that was when he decided to have Kanan accompany him, seeking the comfort of having someone outside of his family by his side. Kanan was someone who carried a genuine warmth and infectious energy. Every word he spoke seemed to hold a positive charge to Nathaniel, which made him smile and flush cheeks. As life would have him devoid of joy, his brother was calling again. Nathaniel ignored him, his last resort to turn his phone off when his cousin called him. As Nathaniel hurriedly left, he wanted to keep that positive energy that he got from Kanan.

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