Chapter 13

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Since then, Kanan and Nathaniel have been on many dates- from dinner outings to picnics and even game nights. Throughout the dates, they had grown increasingly closer. On this evening, they found themselves at Kanan's apartment, a departure from their usual rendezvous at Nathaniel's place. It was Kanan's idea, a change of scenery, that excited Nathaniel. In the back of his mind, Kanan worried that his apartment might not compare to Nathaniel's spacious house, but when Nathaniel expressed feeling more at home, Kanan felt happy.

With no specific plans for the evening, Nathaniel thoughtfully bought some nonalcoholic wine, mindful of Kanan's abstinence from alcohol. Snuggled up together on the couch, they appreciated the closeness they had developed. Conversation flowed easily as it always did, allowing them to deepen their understanding of each other and their relationship dynamics.

"I've always had this crazy thought before high school and even primary school events," Kanan chuckled, sharing a light-hearted memory. "My school had a uniform policy, and I'd occasionally worry when we had events that didn't require us to wear them that I'd show up and be the only one without my uniform. You've never experienced anything like that?"

"Never," Nathaniel confessed, his gaze occasionally drifting to the photos Kanan had up.

"Would you like to see some pictures?" Sensing his curiosity, Kanan made the offer. Retrieving a photo album, they began to flip through the pages, with Kanan providing context for each snapshot.

"A younger version of you," Nathaniel remarked, pointing to a picture of Kanan's brother.

"I don't see it," Kanan replied with a grin. "He used to joke that we were twins, that I just couldn't wait and decided to be born before him."

Nathaniel laughed, and as they turned another page, curiosity piqued by a recurring figure in Kanan's life. "Who's this?" He inquired.

"Remember when I mentioned someone who means a lot to me?" Kanan responded. "This is her, Maria, my best friend; we practically grew up together." Silence settled as Kanan continued. "She passed away unexpectedly in a car accident."

Nathaniel's shock was noticeable as he pieced together the puzzle. "The phone call," He murmured, understanding dawning on him.

"Yes," Kanan confirmed. "She tried to call me multiple times before the accident, but I missed her calls. I'll never know what she wanted to say, and that's something I'll always carry with me. If I had known it was the last time that I would hear her voice, I would have dropped everything to answer. But regrets won't change anything now."

Nathaniel listened intently. He reached out, gently taking Kanan's hand in his own, offering silent support through a physical touch. "I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for you and her family," Nathaniel said softly. "Losing someone so close, unexpectedly, and under such circumstances."

Feeling Nathaniel's hand in his, Kanan found comfort in the gesture. "It's been tough," He admitted. "Having my family, meeting you, being able to talk about it... it helps more. It's the first I've spoken about it to anyone outside my family."

Nathaniel tightened his grip on Kanan's hand, "I'm here for you," He assured Kanan. "Whenever you need someone to listen or talk to."

Kanan found comfort in knowing Nathaniel would be there for him. "She's the inspiration behind "Life's Adventures: All or Nothing." We would always make plans and never fulfill them. We planned trips, but they never went past just talks. There was so much we wanted to do together." Kanan explained, his voice filled with nostalgia. The incident served as a harsh reminder of life's unpredictability. In the blink of an eye, everything could change.

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