Chapter 2

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In the quiet confines of his room, soft sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, gentle glow that illuminated the space. Shelves adorned with books filled the walls, capturing his younger, enthusiastic self who loved to read. Adoring his walls were not just a few family photos but a collage of cherished memories. His space had Inspirational quotes intertwined with artistic shots carefully arranged, creating an atmosphere of motivation and creativity. On his desk, a notebook titled "Life Adventures: All or Nothing." captures all the experiences he hoped to have and his laptop. In a corner on his desk, two photos held a special place. One depicts the bond between him and his younger brother. The other is a photo of him and a dear friend, a reminder of their cherished relationship. To the left of the room by his window lay Kanan.

The ringing of his phone woke him from his slumber. He rummaged beneath the sheets for his phone. Upon the second ring, he was able to locate his phone. With sleepy eyes, he answered the phone. "Hello," His voice was groggy, bearing the traces of sleep as he greeted the caller on the other end.

"Kanan, sweetheart, did I wake you up?" That gentle and sweet voice no doubt belonged to his mother.

Kanan got up and sat on the edge of his bed. The effects of his drinking were ever so present. It was as if a storm had passed through his mind. His head throbbed with a relentless drumbeat; the room seemed so bright that he had to squint his eyes. Kanan held his forehead, a groan escaping his lips. "No, I just got up."

"Are you okay? You don't sound so good." His mother couldn't hide her worry. Even over the phone, she could tell if her son wasn't doing okay.

He opted to put the phone on speaker. "I had a drink last night. I'm just a bit hungover."

"Did something happen? You never drink." His mother said. "You swore up and down that you'd never drink again. You wouldn't even touch anything with alcohol in it."

Kanan smiled at how well his mother knew him. "I was feeling a bit under the weather," Having still dressed in the clothes from the night before, he removed his hoodie, leaving his white t-shirt on. "Anyways, what's up, Mom? Did something happen for you to call this early?"

"Kanan, it's almost noon." He checked the time to be sure. "Your brother said he texted you, but you didn't respond. He's been complaining all morning, so I had to call 'cause he wouldn't." Upon checking, there was a text from his younger brother in his notifications sent from the previous day.

Kaelan, his younger brother, was five years younger than Kanan, who was twenty-five. Ever since they were young, Kaelan had a strong sense of attachment to Kanan, and that didn't change with age. Kanan experienced many emotions when his younger brother was home from the hospital. While there was genuine joy at having a new family member, Kanan would smile when Kaelan would kick in his mother's stomach when he touched her belly. He couldn't help but feel sad and frustrated, overshadowing his happiness. The constant cries from his brother and his mother's attention focused on the newborn frustrated him. Over time, Kanan began to understand the joy he experienced when he learned he would become an older brother. And with time, their bond became unbreakable. Though Kaelan might be more attached than expected, he loves him deeply.

"Guess who's coming to visit? 🚗" the text read.

"He's coming to visit?" Kanan said to his mother.

"He has a summer break, and you know Kaelan, he's going to visit his brother."

"When is he planning on coming?" He took the time to open the text.

"A surprise, he said." Her voice hinted at excitement.

"I just saw you're text. A lot happened yesterday, and Mom called me (she's currently on the phone). I know you're sulking☹️, but you'll still read this message. I'm excited you're coming; let me know if there's anything you want to do when you visit. Love you. ❤️" Kanan replied.

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