"Oh Laura, if only I'd met you first, and I was thirty years older," he told her.   Jessie snorted again and then winced in pain. 

"Are you ok kleine maus?"

"Yeah, just a twinge.   You'd better go or you'll be late collecting Martha."

He crouched down and kissed her again, this time a little more passionately.   

Jessie felt like she had a lump in her throat when Seb finally broke the kiss.  She had to try not to cry!    Soon she'd be better and she'd be going with him again.  Until she got too pregnant to fly that was. 

As she watched Seb walk out of the room and heard the front door open and close she began to weep softly. 

Laura laid Mollie down in her pram and went to comfort her daughter. 

"It's ok sweetheart.    He won't be gone long.  He'll be back before you know it.   Me, you and Mollie can have some girly days."

"It's not just a case of me missing him..."

"I know.  You've had a hell of a week or so haven't you sweetheart?"

And you don't know the half of it, Jessie thought to herself.   

Part of her really wanted to tell her Mum about the baby, to share her excitement, and to discuss her fears, but she and Seb had agreed.   They would wait until she was twelve weeks.  

She thought about how happy both their families would be when they did find out. 

If you don't lose it, a tiny voice inside her head said.  

"Now would you like me to get you anything?" her mum continued.  "Something to eat? Drink? Painkillers?"

Jessie shook her head.   "I think I'm going to have a nap," she said. 

"Ok Jessie, I expect you didn't sleep much overnight with the pain.  Why don't you go on up to your room?  You'll be more comfy there than on the sofa. Don't worry about Mollie. Her and her Nanna are going to have some fun!"

Jessie nodded and carefully stood up.  Her mum was right.   The pain had woken her more than a few times throughout the night.  She also knew that the pregnancy was probably adding to her tiredness. 

She climbed the stairs slowly and got into bed.   She placed a hand on her tummy.    She knew she was pregnant.  She'd seen the test results.  She's seen the ultrasounds, but it was still hard to believe.   She didn't feel pregnant.  Maybe when her bump began to show it would all finally seem real.

She picked up Seb's pillow and wrapped her arms around it.  Burying her face in it, she inhaled his scent.   Just six days, she told herself.  Six days and he'd be home again.


Jessie opened her eyes and turned over, smiling as she looked over at the Moses basket by the side of the bed.

Mollie was still fast asleep, her little hands clenched into fists on each side of her head.

She'd grown so much that Jessie knew it would soon be time to move her to her cot in the nursery.

She'd slept through the night for the last three nights, which had been a blessing. It had meant Jessie had had plenty of rest. The pain was getting less, which was a big relief.

She did however have a new problem. Well, not a problem as such, just something that she had to try and hide from her mother.

The morning after Seb had left for Canada her morning sickness had started. In one way it was good as she now felt pregnant, but if her mum got suspicious it would spoil the surprise.

What The Heart Wants  (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now