27. The Dotted Line

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"Maybe I should have stayed at home," Jessie suggested as Seb pulled into the huge carpark.  "They're installing the fences and I'll be useless here."

"Katie said she'll be there for anything they need Jessie. Stop fretting.  And you're far from useless.  I want you here.  I need you here."

For the first time since he'd taken the phonecall on his birthday Jessie could sense Seb was nervous.   She reached her hand out and placed it on his thigh, squeezing it gently through his black chinos. 

"You'll be fine.  It's not your first rodeo cowboy."  Seb finally found a parking space. He pulled into it, thinking that if he signed the contract he'd have his own designated space. 

"How certain are you you're going to accept the contract?" Jessie asked. 

"I can't see me getting a better offer, so I'd say it's highly likely. I mean, I won't be earning as much as I did before, but it's never been about the money for me. It's  more a case of seeing if we can agree on what we both want."

Jessie knew that was true.  For Seb it had always been about the race, the competition, about proving he was the best.  And she believed he still had it in him to be the best, but maybe she was just biased.  She had even more of a reason to be now.  He wasn't willing to sign up to be a number two though.  If he was doing it he was doing it with the aim of winning. 

Seb turned and looked at her.

"How do I look?" he asked.

"Very handsome," she replied.  He looked ravishing to be honest, but she didn't want to get him all horny by telling him that.  It wasn't the time or the place. 

He was wearing a pair of black chinos and a long sleeved pale blue shirt.  He'd left the top couple of buttons undone, he'd always hated doing them up to the top. He'd had his hair cut, reverting to the short hair he'd favoured before his retirement.  To Jessie's delight he hadn't shaved his beard off completely, just trimmed it and tidied it up.  It wasn't that long though, just around ten days of growth. 

"Shall we go inside then?" Jessie asked. 

"What if I'm not up to it anymore Jessie?"

"Stop talking shit Champ. Of course you are.  They wouldn't want you if they didn't have faith in you."

Seb chuckled.  Jessie was always straight with him. She always had been.

"I guess I just kind of feel like an old fossil with all these youngsters coming through the ranks."

"Seb, you're thirty five.  Fernando is forty one! Lewis is thirty seven!   Besides, they may have youth on their side, but you're a champion.   A four time champion.   You'll wipe the floor with most of them, if not all of them."

"You have to say that.  You're my girlfriend."

"Seb, when have I ever kissed your ass?"   He grinned mischievously. 

"You can do that tonight," he said.  Jessie laughed.  

"Maybe, you'll have to wait and see. Now come on, stop moping and get your ass in there.  You don't want to be late."

"It wouldn't be the first time."

Jessie shook her head and sighed.  He was impossible.

"I'm so glad I'm not going to be your Press Officer."

"So am I!  You're mean!"

"I'll be mean and put you on a sex ban if you're not careful."

"You'd never!  You need my cock too much!"

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