15. Starting Over

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"He definitely recognised you," Jessie said quietly to Seb as they sat down at a table with their drinks.  Seb shrugged.  He agreed with her, the barman who had served them had definitely given him a strange look.  Still, as long as he didn't make a phone call to one of the newspapers he didn't really care.  He could manage a selfie or signing an autograph if asked.  He just didn't want to be asked questions about why he was with a woman that wasn't his wife.  He didn't want Jessie to get badmouthed and accused of being his mistress.  That wasn't fair on her.

He took a swig out of his Diet Coke. He'd have loved a beer but it was only midday, and he thought that was a little bit early. Maybe he'd ask Jessie to stop at a supermarket again on the way back to hers and pick some up for later.

Jessie picked up the dessert menu. She looked through it and decided that the banoffee sponge and custard sounded amazing. Hopefully she'd have enough room left after her jacket potatoes for it.

"You still have a sweet tooth," Seb remarked. Jessie looked up at him and grinned.

"Always, and now you get to join me in scoffing desserts.  No strict diet for you now  champ."

"For now, but maybe that will soon change."

Jessie wondered if he was serious about getting back into racing.  She hoped he was.  He was a born racer, which was what had made what Ava had done even worse. 

"Enjoy it while you can then Seb."

"Oh I intend to," he replied, giving her one of his trademark grins.  "I'm just going to pop to the toilet, then we'll eat yeah?"  She nodded.

As Seb disappeared across the room towards the toilets Jessie found herself thinking about what had happened that morning.  A shirtless Seb had been the last thing she'd been expecting to see in her kitchen when she'd returned from the shower. 

It wasn't the first time she'd seen him shirtless, but it was definitely the first time seeing him shirtless had had that effect on her!  Damn, he really had kept up with his training.  

Why on earth was she reacting to him like that?   He was her friend!  She's known him for years.  Maybe she was just sexually frustrated.  It was two and a half years since she'd been with a man.    Yeah, that must be it.

She tried to think of something else but she couldn't get the image of Seb stood there shirtless out of her head.   His hard chest with its sprinkle of hair that was slightly darker than the hair on his head, his hard, firm abs.  The way his joggers had been hanging dangerously low on his hips. His vlines, that trail of hair that disappeared below his waistband.

She felt a faint tingling beginning to manifest between her legs.  She groaned inwardly , annoyed by her awkwardly timed arousal. 

"Shall we get some spuds then?"

She jumped slightly.  She'd been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed Seb return.  She stood up and they headed over to the potato bar.  They took a plate each.

"After you," Seb told her, ever the gentleman. Jessie made her way along the potato bar, picking up two small potatoes. 

The potatoes were already sliced in half so she added a small amount of butter to each and then continued on to choose her filling, deciding on chicken curry and grated cheese.  She then headed back to the table, Seb following behind her. 

"What filling did you get?" she asked him. 

"Savoury mince," he replied, picking up the salt pot and sprinkling a small amount onto his food.

"I nearly had that, but you know what I'm like with curry."

She began to eat, and was immediately glad they had come there for lunch. It was delicious. She made a mental note to return sooner rather than later.

What The Heart Wants  (Sebastian Vettel)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara