47. Ups and Downs

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"And there you have it Sebastian, you are a free man."

Jessie smiled at the look of joy that passed over Seb's face as the plaster room technician pulled the pieces of his red cast off of his leg. 

"Will you look at that kleine maus, both legs are the same colour!" he exclaimed. Jessie laughed.  He'd spent the last six weeks sweltering in joggers every time he'd stepped out of the house, apart from today, determined that his good leg wouldn't tan without its compatriot. 

"Yeah, now you have two pasty white legs," she joked, earning a chuckle from the plaster technician.  

Seb tentatively bent his knee, feeling slightly anxious that it would pop out of place again but it didn't.   Besides feeling extremely stiff, it felt normal.  

"If you'd like to go back to the waiting room Mr Atkins will see you shortly."

Seb thanked the technician and swung his legs off of the bed.  He tested his weight and then  began to slowly walk towards the door, his trainers in his hand.  Jessie grabbed hold of his crutches and followed him. 

"You should use these until you've seen the consultant," she told him.  Seb snorted.

"Not likely. I've used those damn things for six weeks. I'm sick of the sight of them."

"Stubborn man," Jessie muttered under her breath.  

They headed back to the waiting room, which was probably the poshest hospital waiting room Jessie had ever been in.  Instead of hard plastic chairs there were four rows of comfortable blue bucket chairs, and there was even a television on the wall that was currently showing an episode of Bargain Hunt. She guessed that was one of the perks of being able to afford to go private. 

They took their seats and Seb pulled his phone out of his pocket. 

"Just texting Mother to let her know I'm free," he told her, grinning.   Jessie smiled back again.  She was happy that he was happy.  She just hoped the consultant had good news for him. 

Ten minutes later a nurse called Seb's name.   They both stood up and made their way over to the consulting room.  

The red headed nurse smiled and held the door open for them.     Inside there was a rather distinguished looking grey haired man sat at a desk.    Jessie could see Seb's xray on the computer screen but she had no idea what to look for so had no clue what the verdict would be.  

"Mr Vettel, Mrs Vettel, good afternoon.   My name is Mr Atkins, and I'm the orthopaedic consultant.  How are you both?"

They exchanged pleasantries and sat down opposite the desk. 

Jessie sat quietly as the consultant asked Seb questions and then told him to get up on the bed so he could have a look at his knee.  Finally Seb sat back next to her.   

"Well I've looked at your X-ray, and based on that and what I've just felt I'd say you've avoided surgery for now.  Of course to remain avoiding surgery you need to ease back into training slowly.    No extreme sports either."

"I'll be ok to drive after summer break?"

"How many weeks is that?"

Jessie could almost hear Seb's brain ticking as he tried to work it out.

"Six or seven."

"Well I don't see why not, as long as you don't overdo things for the first few weeks."

Minutes later they walked out of the hospital hand in hand.

"Oh it feels so good to be free," Seb said. "I can't wait to get down to Cornwall. That beach is calling my name."

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