28. Meet The Parents...Again

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Jessie wrapped her arms around herself. She could feel her tears rolling down her cheeks. Her ribs were literally hurting from laughing so hard.

"Come here you little shit!" Seb exclaimed, trying to grab the chicken once again.  Once again the chicken darted out of his reach, clucking loudly. 

Jessie snorted again. Seb made another lunge and finally grabbed hold of the feathered creature and picked her up.  It had only taken him fifteen minutes. 

He opened the door to the chicken hut and put her inside with her five compatriots. 

He shut the door and made his way over to Jessie, who was sat down on the lawn.

Sinking down besides her, he lay down on his back, his knees bent and his feet flat on the ground.

"I don't see what's so funny," he mumbled. Jessie laid back so she was parallel to him.

"It was freaking hilarious. That chicken totally outwitted you! It serves you right for calling her Nugget!"

Seb had thought it was hilarious naming the chickens after popular chicken food items. He'd named them Nugget, Korma, Kiev, Casserole, Tikka and Fajita. Each of them had a different coloured ring around their leg so they could tell them apart. Nugget was definitely the trouble maker of the bunch. Every evening since they'd  collected them from the farm a week earlier she'd led Seb a merry dance when he'd tried to secure her in the hut for the night.

"I think I'm keeping fit just running around after her!" he exclaimed.

"Speaking of keeping fit, have you decided anything about a trainer yet?"

"No. I just want Antti back, but I know that's not possible. He got promoted."

"Well you have options."

The options were to actively look for another trainer, let Ferrari provide him with one, or go it alone.

"I know, I just...it's so hard to find someone I trust."

"Maybe ask Antti to recommend someone?" she suggested. 

"I could do," Seb agreed, wondering why he hadn't thought of that himself.  "I can't really ask him until the announcement has been made though."

"True.  I guess you can make a start by yourself for now."

"And I know just how to start..." Jessie shrieked as Seb quickly jumped to his feet and scooped her up off of the floor.

"Seb! Your parents!"

"Will not be here for at least another forty minutes. We have plenty of time!" he told her as he began to carry her back up to the house.

Jessie decided that it was pointless to resist. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, and he was right, they had a good forty minutes to spare before his parents would
be arriving to stay with them for a week. They had already landed at Heathrow and were driving up in a hired car.

Seb had offered to collect them in his new Porsche Taycan, but Norbert had insisted on driving himself.

Maybe a little bit of adult fun would actually help to take her mind off of meeting them. Of course she'd met them before, multiple times in fact, but this was the first time she'd be meeting them as Seb's girlfriend, and although she knew Norbert was fully behind them, she still had her doubts about Heike.

"What do you have in mind Champ?" she asked as they passed through the kitchen.

"Well after chasing Nugget around I feel a bit sweaty," he replied. "I was thinking maybe we could share a shower."

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