36. Their Wedding Night

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The bedroom door closed behind them and they stood there for several seconds in silence, looking at each other.

Just minutes had passed since the end of the ceremony. They'd signed the paperwork, thanked and said goodbye to Kekoa and Kiana, and then they'd headed indoors.

Neither of them had voiced their intentions but they'd both known exactly where they were heading.

Seb lifted his hand and cupped Jessie's cheek. Her eyes automatically closed and her long, thick eyelashes brushed the top of her cheekbones.

Seb slid his other hand around her onto her ass. Was she really his wife? On paper yes, but he still had to take her to make it feel real.

Jessie felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. She was excited and nervous, exactly how a bride should feel on her wedding night. She swallowed hard, this was going to be the wedding night she'd always dreamt of. With Joel, it had been a drunken five minute fumble the morning after. She knew that this would be so much better.

"My beautiful wife," Seb murmured. "Look at me."

Jessie opened her eyes and stared into his ocean blue orbs. She could see the love and desire burning in them. She smiled and Seb smiled back.

"My husband," she replied. Seb dipped his head and brushed his lips over hers gently. She knew he was holding back and she was grateful for it.

She loved sex with Seb, whatever but tonight was about pure love, not raw fucking.

Seb brushed his lips over hers again. She sighed and her lips parted, inviting Seb to deepen the kiss.

Seb slowly slid his tongue inside Jessie's mouth, sensuously stroking it along hers. He felt his cock twitching as his arousal began to grow.

Jessie curled her tongue around Seb's, winding her arms around his neck, pressing her body up against his. He groaned into her mouth.

"Fuck!" He ran his hands all over her back, and then down her sides, caressing her womanly curves.

"I need you Seb," Jessie pleaded, breaking their kiss.

"Patience kleine maus," Seb whispered, lowering his lips onto hers again.

Jessie had never felt so aroused by a kiss. It felt like Seb was drinking in her very essence, like part of his soul was escaping his body and mixing with hers.

Her core was throbbing, desperate for his touch, she'd never felt so desperate for him.

Seb brushed Jessie's hair away from her neck and kissed his way along her jawline, ran his tongue around her ear and then pressed his lips to the side of her neck. He was fully hard now but he wasn't going to take her yet.

Abruptly he let her go. He turned away and walked over to the window. He then closed the blinds. It was a private beach but he didn't wish anyone out at sea to see inside.

Jessie stood unmoving, confusion engulfing her. Why had he stopped? She watched as he turned back around and began to unbutton his shirt.

"Seb?" she asked. He looked at her and smiled.

"Ja meine frau?"

"You stopped!"

"Why the rush? We have all night," he teased. She watched as removed his lei, then undid the last button on his shirt. The two sides fell apart and she got a glimpse of his hard, firm body.

He hadn't been training with Martha for long but his body was already showing the changes. It was harder, leaner, sexier than ever.

His chest was covered with a sprinkle of hair, which she loved. Joel had been hairless, almost boylike, Seb was more
manly and it drove her wild, almost to the point of being feral. Even the blonde hairs covering his arms were a turn on.

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