65. Welcome to The World

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Seb and Jessie dashed across the airport lobby. They'd left their luggage behind at the hotel in their desperation to make the next flight back to the U.K. Martha had promised to sort it out and get it brought back for them. The important thing was that they got back as quickly as possible.

They'd finally had to tell Britta and Martha about the baby, having no other excuse for their emergency flight back home. Britta had burst into happy tears, and Martha had only just held her own tears back as she'd congratulated them.

Once she'd composed herself Britta had booked them both onto a flight that was leaving an hour later and had then driven them to the hotel to get their passports and then on to Jeddah airport.

Taking into account the time difference and the flight time, it would be nine am on the Sunday morning when they landed at Heathrow.

They checked in and were told passengers were already boarding. They thanked woman on the desk and made their way to the first class gates.

Once they were on the plane and had located their seats they both sank down and Seb gave a long sigh of relief.

"What if she's had her by the time we get there?" Jessie asked. "The flight is ten hours. The drive from the airport nearly an hour and a half."

"Try not to worry," Seb reassured her. "She's not contracting yet, right?"

"Not yet," Jessie conceded. "But her water went, and she's lost her mucus plug."

She'd called Heather on the way to the airport for an update, and had been told Isabel was currently still at home awaiting the start of her contractions.

"It will be ok kleine maus. She will soon be in our arms."

They both put their seatbelts on ready for take off. Seb reached across the gap between them and grabbed Jessie's hand. "Try not to worry.  There's no possible way we can get there any quicker.   At least we don't have to waste time getting a hire car."

Jessie nodded.  That was true.  Seb's car was parked in the long stay garage at Heathrow.   They could just jump in and get going straight to the private maternity hospital in Oxford Seb had arranged for Isabel to give birth at.

He'd insisted she went private to protect their privacy. He knew the medical staff would not have been allowed to say anything about the adoption, but other patients would surely have recognised him and then rumours would have started. They'd announce their daughter to the world in their own time.

Seb was happy to see Jessie fall asleep shortly after take off. If she was sleeping she wasn't worrying. Of course he was worrying himself, but not as much as she was, and he was hiding it to try and keep her calm.

He knew she'd be upset if she missed the birth, but the main thing was that everything went smoothly, that Isabel and the baby were both ok. 

"Hey Seb! You're heading back early. Can't wait to get home huh?" Seb glanced up and saw Alex Albon walking past. He grinned at him.

"Yeah, been away too long."

"Know the feeling. I'm going to stay at my family's house for a few days so I can go to the factory, then home to Monaco."

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