25. Meet The Parents

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"I thought they were meeting us at The Spud Pub," Seb hissed. Jumping off of the bed, he quickly pulled on his joggers.

"Jessie!" came her dad's voice again.

"I'll be there in a minute!" she called out, hoping to stop them from coming upstairs to find her. The last thing she wanted was for them to find out about her and Seb by finding him half naked creeping out of her bedroom.

She jumped out of bed and began rummaging through her drawers.

"I'll go down. You go and get a shirt on," she told him. "Damn it, our clothes are still downstairs!" She groaned, totally mortified at the thought her parents might see hers and Seb's discarded clothes. There was no way of explaining it other than to tell them the truth.  Sod it, she thought.  They'd been planning on telling them about their relationship anyway. 

She pulled on a pair of panties, a bra and a pale yellow maxi dress. "Don't just stand there!" she told Seb. "T-shirt now!  You can't go flaunting that body around my mother!"

Seb laughed. He loved the fact that she was possessive of him, even around her mum.  He walked over to the door and opened it quietly. 

His attempt to be quiet was in vain.   Stood right outside Jessie's bedroom door were Thomas and Laura Thornton.

"We thought we'd come early and surprise you Jessie," her mother gushed. "Oh my word.  You're not Jessie!"

Seb bit down on his lip to stop himself from laughing.   It wouldn't have been the brightest thing to do.    He wanted Jessie's parents approval.  Now he'd been caught coming out of her room half naked.

"Sebastian!" Thomas exclaimed, a stunned look on his face.  

"Hey Mr and Mrs Thornton," he said.  "It's good to see you again."

Jessie heard her parents' voices  and began to wish the ground would open up and swallow her whole.   They didn't even know Seb had been staying with her.  She hadn't told them because she hadn't wanted them to think there was something going on between them. 

She quickly dashed to the door and nudged Seb out of the way. 

"Mum, Dad! What are you doing here?  I wasn't expecting you!"

"Obviously," her dad said.  She could see the corner of his mouth twitching as if he was trying to stop himself from saying something he'd regret. "We thought we'd surprise you seeing as though we haven't seen you since Christmas.   We weren't expecting you to have company.  We thought you were up here with a workman or something when we saw another car out there."

"It's not how it looks.  Well it is, but it isn't," she rambled. 

"Jessamyn, you are making no sense whatsoever," her mum said.  "Your father and I will go downstairs and put the kettle on. Do something with your hair.  You look like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards. And Sebastian...put some clothes on!"

Jessie almost laughed.  Her mum looked a bit hot and bothered, not that she could blame her.  Seb was one fine specimen of a man.

Thomas and Laura headed back down the stairs.  Seb and Jessie looked at each other and burst out laughing. 

"Do your parents make a habit of letting themselves in?"

"If I don't answer the door then yes.   Well, they didn't when I lived with Joel, and I doubt they will again now, but they have the spare key...I've never had an issue with it before."

"Their faces!"

"I know right!"

"I didn't know if your dad was going to thump me one for defiling his little girl."

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