Honoring The Fallen

Start from the beginning

"What's that?" Davion asked.

"To decide her fate." Daenerys said.


The high lords of Westeros were seated in the Dragonpit waiting for Davion and Daenerys to arrive. Cersei Lannister was brought in the center and saw them all seated and ready to judge her.

"Where are Davion and Daenerys?" Sansa asked.

"On their way." Tyrion answered.

Just then, Davion and Daenerys arrived. They saw the high lords of Westeros. Among them were Wilas and Garlan Tyrell.

Davion managed to find their whereabouts thanks to his sister Mya and Lord Varys before the war.

"Apologies for my late arrival. Davion said. As you can see, I had trouble getting here." Davion pointed at his arm that was in a sling. His old injury from the Great War had acted up again.

Davion stood next to his uncle Tyrion and looked at the lords and ladies.

"We are here to decide the fate of the traitors, Cersei of House Lannister and Euron and House Greyjoy." Tyrion said.

"It's not for you to decide." Cersei whispered,  but unfortunately for her, Grey Worm heard her.

"You are not here to speak!" Grey Worm shouted.

"Grey Worm." Daenerys said, and Grey Worm stood down. She then looked at Cersei. "What were you saying, my lady?" She asked.

Cersei was annoyed that Daenerys called her a lady. She then looked at Daenerys. "I said it's not for them to decide." She looked at her brother, Tyrion, and then the rest of the lords and ladies. "It's for our king to decide."

"The only king we have has not decided if he is willing to take up the responsibility as sole monarch of Westeros." Yohn Royce pointed out.

Davion sighed and stepped forward. "You are all the most powerful people in Westeros. I believe you have the power to choose a king as well."

They all looked at each other in confusion. One truth was clear to them, either Davion or Jon was fit to rule, but they didn't know how to decide.

Edmure Tully then rose from his seat and stepped forward. "My Lords and ladies. He cleared his throat. I suppose this is the most important moment of our lives. What we decide today will reverberate through the annals of history. I stand before you as one of the senior lords of the country. A veteran of two wars, and I'd like to think my experience has led to some small skill, in statecraft and underst-" Sansa cut him off.

"Uncle." Edmure looked at his niece. "Please sit down." Once he sat down, embarrassed, Yohn Royce spoke up.

"We have to choose someone." He said.

Samwell Tarly cleared his throat. "Why just us?" He asked. "We represent all the great houses, but whomever we choose, they won't just rule over lords and ladies. Maybe the decision about what's best for everyone should be left to... well, everyone."

All the lords started laughing. "Maybe we should give the dogs a vote as well." Edmure said.

"I'll ask my horse." Yohn said.

Jon looked at his friend. "While your reasoning is sound, if we give the people a vote, it will only cause more violence."

Varys nodded. "I may want a ruler who puts the people first, but if the people don't get the ruler that they want, there'll anarchy."

Edmure looked at Tyrion. "I suppose you want the crown."

"Me? The imp?" Tyrion asked. "Half the people hate me for killing my father, and the other half hate me for following Daenerys. I can't think of a worse choice."

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