Will You Be Here In The Morning?

Start from the beginning

"The last conversation we had was pretty brutal, and it sucked because I felt like we had made some pretty good progress trying to build a friendship back up." "Can you come with me to my room again? I have something to show you." She says standing up and holding her hand for me. I hesitate before taking it. She pulls me up to her room and motions for me to sit on her bed. I do as I'm told. She ushers around in her closet before pulling out a small box and laying it on my lap.

"I brought this with me because I was afraid my parents would throw it out if I left it back in Austin. They said keeping it was an unhealthy coping mechanism, but I couldn't bring myself to part with it....and now I know why." I stare at her before looking down at the box and opening it. The first thing I see is my sacred Hester softball jacket. I pull it out of the box and hold it up. Thousands of early high school memories flood my head.

"I don't understand....I threw this thing away the day I left Austin?" Camila gives me a sad smile. "I know. I ditched class to put it in your locker. I hid around the corner to watch you find it. I watched you throw it away. That's when I knew I had really fucked everything up. It affected your love for the team. As soon as you walked away, I ran over and fished it out of the trash can." She says. I lay the jacket beside me and then see a softball that's been cut in half like a ring box? I open it up and see the words "I might strike out in asking, but would you give us another chance?"

"I was gonna give this to you at Prom and ask if we could get back together since our friendship was getting better. I still loved you." "But then I went to New York." I say, flashing back to that weekend. "Yeah. Lauren got an update on her phone about the Yankees winning, and then we saw the kissing cam. I went to a party that night. That's how I ended up in the Jacob predicament that lead to me sleeping with Shawn."


"That was the surprise you were talking about?" She bites her lip before nodding her head yes. "Wow, I am an idiot." I say looking through the rest of the box. There's the bear I gave her for Valentine's Day. Letters I wrote her, pictures we took, and the locket necklace I gave her for her birthday that had our first date picture in it.

"Things got really, really misconstrued." I say frowning over the items in the box. "Did you leave Hester because of me?" She asks sitting beside me again. I look up from the box and see her eyes staring into my soul, or trying to at least. I shake my head no.

"The guy who founded SOA was at the Yankees game that night. He saw me and Liam on the screen and came over me to us, and offered us full rides when the game ended. He goes around looking for students to give scholarships to from each state for different categories. He came across clips of mine and Liam's games. So Liam and I were the choices for baseball and softball in Texas. Then he and his wife came to the fashion show that Ariana and her family were in New York for, and he gave Ariana a scholarship for singing. Their family gave us a ride on their jet to get to New York. Liam bought us the Yankees tickets. It had been our dream to go to a Yankees home game against the Red Sox. It just happened to land on the day of prom, and since I didn't plan on going, I never thought anything of it when he brought the tickets to me." I explain. 

"This really did get misconstrued then." Camila says. "Yeah. I saw pictures of you and Jacob on yours and his Snapchat stories. And then when you said yes to him asking you out at our lockers that day. I just assumed whatever surprise you had was for him." "Oh my God, no! Ew! God, I just said yes to him asking me out because I saw Ariana on your arm and got jealous....again. My jealousy got me in trouble with you. I told him later on I couldn't go through with the date because I still wanted you. He volunteered to help me try to win you back at prom. Little did I know he was just trying to be there for me whenever I failed. Not in the concerned friend way either." I suddenly feel sick to my stomach.

Angel In The Outfield (Camila/GxG)Where stories live. Discover now