Jana and Angel had made deep passionate love the night that since Jana had accepted the proposal from Angel it was a memorable one too. Angel had made the backyard amazing with a candle lit dinner, streamers and lights around the backyard ,a soft flow of romantic music from the boombox for them to dance too. Angel loved the set up for her love; it made a perfect moment. When Angel got down on one knee and proposed, Jana's eyes lit up when she accepted they kissed in the moonlight. That night led into making love for the first time since they've been together and it has been a miracle that their relationship survived.

Annabel woke up in the shower feeling the water being cold as she sighed with the memory seeing as Jana the woman that Angel fell for the proposal looked amazing even though she had no recall of it. Annabel shut the water off and climbed out of the shower as she heard Scarlett come through the front door slamming it shut once again.

Scarlett yelled at the top of her lungs saying,

"Annabel, you better be awake because you are in for it. Our home is still a complete disaster, and all you have done today is be lazy."

Annabel came out of the room with her pink fluffy robe wrapped around her as she smiled at her wife replying sweetly,

"Baby, I did my best today. We had a visitor come by after you left for work. Her name was Jana didn't catch her last name and she had teenagers with her too."

Scarlett walked over to Annabel grabbing her by throat then smacked Annabel on the cheek so hard it echoed throughout the apartment. Scarlett snarled at Annabel with baring teeth as she responded,

"You spoke with her? You did everything I told you NOT to do. Are you asking to be killed? Jana Johnson is not allowed to be around you and neither are those nasty children. So, as punishment you are going to be in a place you'll hate my dear wife."

Annabel gulped afraid of what was to happen to her. That was when she felt herself being lifted then thrown across the room against the wall.

Jana spoke to Angel,"Wake up this is not the time for you to die, you are my future wife not hers. Scarlett is pure evil...she will kill you and you know it, come on wake up for me if anything. I know you don't remember me but please come on snap out of this hell hole. You can't let Scarlett defeat who you are."

Annabel wakes up to find herself trapped in some cage realizing Scarlett has lost her damn mind. She still doesn't get why this Jana chick keeps taunting her thoughts but the most she figured it was self conscious speaking to her if anything. Then she looked around her caged area that she's trapped in and it turns out it is a shed of some sort. Annabel knew Scarlett had hidden places and just didn't know where to.

Scarlett couldn't believe Annabel had let Jana come near her. So she literally placed her wife in a shed and a cage big enough for a human. She was getting pretty sick of Annabel's selfish ways so she decided to make her wife's life a living hell in that shed for a while. Scarlett now had to find Jana and make sure her and the kids never come back for her wife EVER again.

Scarlett had ordered a bus ticket to Kansas to back track to Jana's place than she went and checked on Annabel in the shed that was a hour away from the apartment as she got on the bus and headed that direction she sighed heavily as a man tapped her on the shoulder speaking,

"I am surprised you're partner isn't with you? Is she okay?"

Scarlett smiled sweetly at the old man replying,

"She's fine just resting in the hospital. She has taken some severe hard hits recently, and it has left her unconscious for several days."

The old man nodded then went back to reading his paper as Scarlett took a deep breath and released it as a sign that no one has officially taken notice that Annabel is completely gone.

Jana & Angel (Older Version 2016-2018)Where stories live. Discover now