End of Chapter.

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"Swear to god. Your mouth might be the best part about you." Gemini comments as he parks the car. They have finally arrived at the resort. "If you do that again, at least give me a little warning. It's hard to focus on the road."

Fourth licks his lips with a small chuckle. "Come on, you can't tell me that that you did not want to experience that at least once."

"I mean I do but at least warn me first." Gemini replies as he walks to the back of the car. He opens up the boot of the car. He takes out a luggage and puts it on the ground. Fourth walks over to Gemini and wraps his arms around Gemini's waist from the back.

"You know, it's my first time going on a trip with my boyfriend." Fourth says.

"Would you look at that. I'm finally your first at something." Gemini answers, in an almost sarcastic tone.

"Don't sound like that. You should be happy. At least you got my first time right now." Fourth replies, pecking a kiss on Gemini's cheek. "Come on. Let's go. The rest are already heading towards the reception."

Gemini nods and they went towards the reception, meeting up with the rest of their friends. "Looks like we got our rooms next to each other." Tawan comments.

"I am not taking the middle." Phuwin mentions.

"How about we push them to the middle room." Pond answers, looking at Gemini and Fourth.

"So you guys can eaves drop on our conversation?" Gemini answers. "Hell no."

"Well you guys were the last one to arrive here. So it's only fair the last place can't get to choose." Newwie joins in the conversation.

"Don't worry. I'm sure they can't wait to get their sleepless nights with us." Fourth winks at Gemini. All of a sudden, everyone looks at each other, unsure if they have made the right decision to push Gemini to the middle room.

When they all got into their room, their friends has plans of their own, leaving Gemini and Fourth alone in the room. "Can we go to the beach? I can't wait to sink myself into the ocean." Fourth says eagerly.

"We still have a couple of days here. Relax. I thought of taking today some time to relax. I've been driving for hours." Gemini replies. "Right now, I'm just really hungry."

"I see some stalls by the beach. Want to go there?" Fourth replies with a wide smile, knowing full well that they only sell snacks and not full course meals.

Gemini lets out a sigh. "Fine. Let's go."

Gemini's stomach is hungry, but he manages to grab some snacks. Somehow, the feeling of hunger left him when he sees Fourth smiling widely with a coconut in his hands, he can't help the feeling of satisfaction.

The two boys bought a couple of snacks and sits in the middle of the beach, watching the waves crashing into the shore. Gemini takes a sip out of his coconut and smiles. Fourth reaches for Gemini's hand. "Do you think we'll be able to come back here again?" Fourth asks.

"Yes. Hopefully with just the both of us next time." Gemini answers, squeezing Fourth's hands softly.

"Come on. They're just worried for us. That's all." Fourth reassures Gemini.

"I know. It just get irritating sometimes. I just want to spend some alone time with you." Gemini replies.

"No worries. At this point, I don't think anyone would dare to mess with us with what we went through. The stories of your bravery to protect me will echo through out the school as long we're together." Fourth says in the most glorified manner.

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