Chapter 3.

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Gemini wakes up from the sofa and rubs his eyes. He can't believe that he allowed a stranger to sleep in his room. Gemini heads to his room and silently opens the door, taking a peek at Fourth. He's still surprise that Fourth is still asleep.

Gemini sneaks into the room and takes a quick shower. After his shower, he starts to make breakfast. Gemini does it as silently as he can. He is unsure what kind of breakfast Fourth would like so he makes a little bit of everything.

Fourth could smell something delicious in his sleep. He slowly opens his eyes and notices that he's not on his usual bed. He got up and looks around, the room is fairly tidy. He tries to recall everything from last night and part of him hopes that he's in Gemini's home. He got out of the bedroom to see Gemini cooking.

Fourth sneaks behind Gemini and wraps his arms around Gemini's waist. Fourth rests his chin on Gemini's shoulder, looking over at what Gemini is cooking. "So does this mean you like me?" Fourth jest, still a small part of him hope that he would reply with a yes.

"Remove your hands or I will burn you." Gemini threatens.

Fourth pulls away from Gemini and walks over to the dining table, he didn't expect to find so much food. "Woah. Why did you cook so much?" Fourth asks.

"I'm not sure what you would like to eat, so I just cook everything I know." Gemini answers, putting the cooking into the bowl. He brought the bowl to the dining table and sits down. "Eat."

Fourth takes a seat and starts taking a little bit of everything onto his plate. Fourth knows how much effort it takes to cook all of this, and no one has ever cooked for him something like this before. This is only for breakfast, Fourth could only wonder what would be for lunch and dinner. "You know, people usually do this for someone they like." Fourth says before putting a piece of pancake into his mouth. "By the way, is this a condo?"

Gemini looks up at Fourth with a lifted brow. "Really? I thought every does this. It's my kind of hospitality for any guest that comes over." Gemini replies. "And yes, it is."

Fourth is surprised at Gemini's hospitality and cooking skills. "Come on. You can't tell me that you would cook like this for Phuwin and Pond?" Fourth asks. Gemini nods while he chews. Fourth is surprised. "Wait. Really?" A little part of Fourth feels a little hurt. He thought that Gemini could be his potential partner.

Most of the time, Fourth would just get a drink, stay a night at a stranger's place for sex then leave when morning comes, without any interaction with the other party. Fourth also recalls the number of times that he has been ditched in the middle of the road for being too drunk and no one would offer him to bring him home.

However, Gemini is different. Gemini did not abandon Fourth in the club. Gemini cooks a whole buffet of breakfast for Fourth. Fourth could not help but feel some sort of way for the boy. Fourth realizes that Gemini is a straightforward person while being considerate for other people's feelings.

"So, what do you study?" Gemini asks, after drinking down on his cup of water.

Fourth is surprised that Gemini is asking decent questions compared to last night. "I'm studying law at the moment. What about you?" Fourth asks.

"I'm studying medical engineering right now." Gemini replies. "It's no wonder we only see each other at the café. You're in a different building from me."

Fourth nods. "Yeah. Well, it gives us more reasons to meet."

"Do you usually say that to everyone you had sex with? Or something you would say during bed talk?" Gemini comments as he finishes up the last of his food.

"I don't do that at all. Honestly, all of this is a first for me." Fourth confess. "Well. I'm usually thrown into a ditch when I'm drunk in a club. You're the first to actually care for me even though I'm drunk. I might start to like you."

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