Chapter 19.

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The two boys waits outside the principal's office. Gemini tilts his head back, looking at the ceiling. Fourth probably finds him more than scary when he beat that boy to a pulp. Gemini's fist and clothes are bloody. Gemini would understand if Fourth decides to pull away from him.

"Hey." Fourth calls out. He could see that Gemini is pretty gloomy and he don't even know where to start to make him feel better. Gemini turns to his attention to Fourth. "I know what you did is for me. That's pretty hardcore of you." Fourth forces a smile.

Gemini smiles at Fourth. "You're probably scared of me now. It's understandable if you want to reconsider your feelings for me."

Fourth got taken aback by Gemini's words. "Are you going to do that to me if you're angry?"

Gemini shakes his head. "I hope not. I might not be able to hold onto my anger but I can't get angry with you no matter how hard I tried. I wouldn't have allowed you to stay with me if I got angry."

"That's good to know. So, what now? We're probably going to get suspended. We might even repeat another year because of this." Fourth asks.

"I'm going to repeat a year. You have no involvement in this. It's something I'm willing to do. No one messes with you. I don't mind if its me but if anyone ever messes with my friends, they have to deal with me." Gemini answers.

"I'll try to share the responsibility with you. You did what I could not. It's unfair. At least tell me what I need to do to help you." Fourth tries to convince Gemini. "If there's anything, anything at all. Just let me know."

Gemini smiles. "Will you still be beside me even after that?"

Fourth nods. "Of course. You did it for my sake."

Gemini reaches into his pocket and takes out a small velvet box. Gemini shows the box to Fourth and opens it up, revealing a pair of rings. "Then I think we have been waiting for this for quite a while. Will you officially be mine?"

Gemini could see Fourth's smile widens. "Are you serious, Gem? Is this that surprise that you've been saying since yesterday?!"

Gemini nods. "Well, I wanted to do it while we were out eating in a nice restaurant but I guess now is as good as any time. It would definitely lift up our moods if you were to accept my proposal."

Fourth takes one of the rings from the box and takes Gemini's hands. Fourth slips the ring onto Gemini's finger, smiling. "Of course it's going to be a yes you idiot. I just thought you like playing with me and my feelings." Fourth replies.

Gemini takes the other ring in the box and slip them onto Fourth's fingers. "I wanted to make it unforgettable. I guess in a way, it is unforgettable." Gemini knows that Fourth has more then proved himself to him. Despite Fourth's history, he is a completely new person to Gemini.

Before Fourth could continue the conversation, they hear foot steps coming towards them. Gemini notices who it was and keeps the small box. "Pond, Phuwin. You called my lawyer?" Gemini asks.

"Of course. We told him what happened and now he's here." Phuwin replies.

"Well. From the looks of it, you might get charged but if we counter sue him for defamation, adult pornography on social media used by underaged audiences and harassment, we would win." The lawyer says.

"Can you do anything about the school? The principal is discussing on what kind of punishment to give Gemini. I'll try to help in anyway possible." Fourth asks, desperate to at least give a little help to Gemini.

The lawyer smiles. "You don't have to worry about it. I'll settle that."

The door to the principal office opens up with a couple of lecturers behind her. They were surprised to see someone with in a suit before them. They move their attention to Gemini, ignoring Gemini's lawyer. "We have decided that you will have to suspend you from our school. You could have killed him." The principal lets out her judgement.

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