Chapter 15.

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"Are you nervous?" Fourth asks Gemini as Gemini parks the car.

"Well. Yes. I've never been on a proper date before." Gemini admits. "It feels weird. I feel nervous that we're going for dinner when we've had dinner together many times. Or is it just me."

"Don't worry. We will be surrounded by our friends. It's going to be fine. Just be how you normally are. It's not like I don't know you." Fourth replies. "It's just that seeing you in this, I really want to strip you of your clothing one by one."

"Your lust is awfully high for someone who said that they want a rest." Gemini lifts a brow at Fourth. "But I might hold you up to that promise."

"You wouldn't mind even if its on a school day?" Fourth asks as he got out of the car.

Gemini follows after Fourth and walks around the car towards him. "I've caught onto my studies thanks to you doing all of my chores. I'd spend a couple of hours a day on it but now I spend none of it on chores."

"Oh ho. It sounds like you owe me more than I owe you." Fourth says as he puts his hands around Gemini's waist, pulling him in close.

"I don't think so. You stayed at my place, remember?" Gemini reminds Fourth.

"Ugh. Don't remind me. I thought you allowed me to move in so we can officially be a couple."

"No. It's because you need a place to stay." Gemini replies. "The couple situation, lets take one step at a time. I'm a little bit slow when it comes to this."

"It's fine. Let's head in. We're late." Fourth walks along to the restaurant with his hand stuck on Gemini's waist. He don't want to let Gemini go. He's afraid that someone else might hit on him and not take the hint that they are together. Despite them wearing the same-coloured shirt.

Gemini and Fourth greets when they meet up with their friends. "Sorry we're late. I was contemplating if I should really come." Gemini answers honestly as he sits down on the chair with Fourth opposite of him.

"Matching colour." Pond comments. Fourth smiles at Pond who is sitting beside him. "Did you drag him out of the house?"

Fourth nods. "He didn't want to, but I had to persuade him that he's not paying."

"So, you're just here for the free food?" Tawan asks.

"Tay, if you don't shut up, they might not come out and join us on our double or triple date anymore. It's already good enough that Gemini willingly left his home with Fourth." Newwie scolds Tawan. "Anyway, the both of you look really cute."

"It's alright. I still owe Gemini a lot. I don't mind paying on behalf of him." Phuwin points out. "He gave us quite a lot of free meal at his home. So, it's kind of a fair deal if we pay for him."

"That makes me want to come over more. I've been craving for Gemini's cooking lately." Tawan says. Then he notices Newwie's face, agitated. "I mean I love my boyfriend's cooking among everything. New's the best chef ever."

"Good. Let's order." Newwie replies.

The six of them order their meal and enjoys each other's presence.

Gemini could feel Fourth's legs rubbing against his. He knows that this is Fourth's way of showing what he wants at the end of the day. Gemini looks at the rest, thankful that they did not notice Fourth's action.

"How's the food, Gemini?" Pond asks.

"It's good. I wouldn't mind coming here again." Gemini replies.

"We could come with just the both of us." Fourth suggests.

"Nope. That's not happening. I can speak for all of us when we say we want to see the both of you thrive together." Tawan says, staring at Fourth and Gemini. "Talking about it, have you guys officially got together after that night or it's still floating somewhere?"

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