Chapter 49

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Diana POV

Andrew has just left the room and it makes me feel so strange. It's almost like I am ... unsheltered? I don't know why but I feel like I am very...visible? I don't know why I have this weird feeling like I am ... naked but I don't like it. So, I do my best to shower and dress as fast as I can and I wolf down a hot piece of pie Jane backed for me before I enter the study.

As expected, he is at his laptop and I can see acute frown between his eyebrows that signals me thing are quite unpleasant. Due to his earphones, I cannot hear what the other person says but I can hear his answers and they don't sooth me whatsoever.

- Finally, I need some numbers to be able to understand the situation. He says and I dread the answer since he hits the wood table so hard that it splits, laptop, paperwork and everything in between going down and spreading all over the floor. As I leap in and try to help him getting things off the floor and back up running, he pushes me to the settee and starts gathering things from the floor, ignoring that his call has been finished by the other person that I never got to see.

- What happened, I say trying to get out of his way as he is gathering office items scattered all over the floor.

- Bad things, his answers come swiftly cutting off any attempts of me finding more out about the dire situation that sent everything on the floor.

For a moment, I think of letting it go but I decided that if we are going to make our relation work, I need to be of help for him, especially when things go south.

- Please, Andrew, I say shyly touching his arm as he is trying to finish gathering all the scattered items. I know that my life experience is very limited but if at least I can be the shoulder you cry on or the person you can rant to when things go south, I think I am able to do that. And it might actually help you get but of clarity also. I add hoping I haven't overstepped any boundaries I shouldn't. For a moment I wait in silence for him to finish gathering some pens that got scattered on the floor but when he doesn't answer anything, I insist. I don't know how things go in your world but in human relationships I know it's usual for life partners to be able to vent to one another.

- It's not a matter of venting, he finally answers getting up with the final things that have been thrashed on the floor and looking at me. There were attacks orchestrated again on both my family and the lycan council. And also, Avalon was attacked.

- Who is Avalon? I ask curiously. I didn't get to that part in the history book. With more than 1000 pages and all written in such small letters that probably are better suited for ants, it takes me a long time to decipher each word, especially since all denominations are written in their original language.

- It should be rephrased "What is Avalon", he answers after a few awkward moments but not facing me when he does. Where on the book did you get until now? He adds.

- The first Rune versus human war. I answer rapidly.

- Ok, so you are yet to the first wars. He adds then as he has finished gathering all things from the floor and found them new places around the room, he sends a small text then pushes me gently to take a seat on the large couch opposite to the settee. I am sorry I have scared you; he adds caressing my hair and looking at my trembling hands.

- I will be fine, I answer in a small voice before adding. So, what happened during that time?

- Exactly what you've read. The Runes were dropping like flies and we did want to retaliate. So, we went to war and that was not a good decision as we can see the aftermaths even nowadays.

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