Chapter 31

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Diana POV

My own screams scratch my ears as the huge beast I know to be David almost reaches the group of men at the entrance. But then the unimaginable happens and instead of avoiding the bear, one of the men accompanying Andrew transforms in a few tenths of a second into another polar bear.

For fuck's sake, there are many more people like this? And why does Andrew seem completely unphased by this change? Is he one of them? The two colossuses have clashed and now there are pieces of fur flying around, screeches and roars fill the air and blows going back and forth between them like it's nothing. I can see the second man that was accompanying Andrew that has taken a step back from the group and looks at them with a curious gaze. Unlike him, neither Ryan nor Andrew is stepping back but actually seem eager to intervene between the two creatures.

I glue myself to the wall as fear became a tangible, living force that crept over me like some hungry animal, immobilizing me with my own brain holding me captive. What was happening? Why was David fighting that man and why was Andrew here? Was he tangled with the men that ran this place? I can hear pulse beating in my ears as David roars enraged under the pressure that the clenching jaw of his opponent is putting onto his right paw. I try to open my mouth but no sounds come out as sweat is pouring down my body. What will happen if David doesn't win? As my mind is going back and forth every choice available, my eyes look for a way out of here. The three men and the two bears are blocking the only door that seems to lead outside and the few windows that shine some light are way too small and placed too high for me to reach them. Behind me I know exactly what gruesomeness lies but more important now, I know there is no way to leave the place through there.

As I took my eyes a bit from the fight, I can feel a shift in the air as something peculiar happens. Andrew has just advanced towards the two fighters and somehow, he appears larger than before, maybe even taller. That's not possible, is it? But a flicker of the light shows something very strange, as if his hands have become some kind of claws with huge talons. What in the living hell is that? Is he some kind of monster as well? I don't find in me the courage to move so I stay away, glued to the wall and just watch the strange events that unfold.

The bears have stopped fighting and whatever Andrew was holding in his hand is directed at David if I am not mistaken. It only takes a moment for David to look at him and then he attacks Andrew at full charge as if what he said enraged him even more. That's settled. So, Andrew was working with the Jax and whoever else was holding us captive! I retreat as much as I can out of the small specks of light that enter the warehouse but it seems that my small movement doesn't escape the eyes of the strange man that was following Andrew and he is next to me in a heartbeat. I can see his coffeelike skin that talks about an Arabic heritage but what strikes me are his almond shaped yellow eyes. I never herd of anyone having natural yellow eyes. But what gives him away is the thick accent that is clearly neither American nor from UK.

- Easy Princess, don't be so startled! It will soon be settled, and we will all go home. Our Liege needs to calm your friend first but he can't do that if you are a distraction for him. His voice has a tender sound and even with his accent I can sense somehow some kindness and a softness in his demeanour. It feels as something very familiar and close to home even if I can't pinpoint exactly why.

- Who are you? I say still a bit mistrustful.

- Ali is my name and I am here as a friend.

As we are exchanging glances, each one seemingly analysing the other one's intentions, I can hear a roar. One that doesn't sound at all with what I have heard earlier and I try to look over the shoulder of the man but he shelters me as if there is something I am forbade to witness.

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