Chapter 41

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Diana POV

I lean my head on his chest and close my eyes as he is carrying me through the garden on the small path leading back to the mansion. One of his arms supports my back and my head on his chest and I can feel his stone-like muscles. His other hand is passed under my knees and I can feel my skin tingling in all the places he touches. My head is spinning a bit and I try to open my eyes but that doesn't help as my gaze falls directly to his clean-shaven face and his bow-shaped lips that seem now more enticing than ever.

I have kissed him before but now they seem more than ever like the forbidden fruit. I can hear his heartbeat and feel the heat emanating from his skin. I would love to touch it, not just like this, through his shirt but to caress every inch of that abdomen and...for fuck's sake! Those are not images that my mind is used to and I can feel that I am getting moist.

- Kitten, stop being naughty or we may never arrive back to your bedroom. He says with a low, growling voice as if he is upset with me but for the love of me, I have no idea why. I didn't even move a muscle!

His steps signal me that we have already arrived at the house and he is getting me up the stairs but I don't dare to open my eyes. Who knows if he is not again angry with me and I don't like him angry. I like him when he is telling me the stories, the history of his kin, creatures that I never thought existed but now I know that they're here. And there is so much more to discover...

My minds swarms in a heated pool of imagination and questions I want to ask but my mouth is unable to voice out any if these and I fall fast asleep with legends and all sort of creatures invading my dreams.


Small kisses are sprinkled on my forehead and cheeks and a soft touch that caresses my head and moves my hair out of the way makes me shift and I realise that I remember those kisses. Oh, I remember that hand and the way it caressed me so well! And I force myself to open my eyes and see the person I love the most in this world.

- Good afternoon, baby, the lovely voice says and I know I am safe. Nothing could hurt me as long as Maria is next to me.

As my eyes open and I adjust my sight to the light in the room I can see Maria sitting next to me. She is leaning over my body in an awkward position as to not move me too much through my waking up but to make me open my eyes in a mild way, the way she has always done it if I slept through the alarm, when due to school and even now, in adulting years. She takes a long look at me as I open fully my eyes and I acknowledge that she is there and jumps up from the bed, as usual, trying to get me up at the same time as if I could have wakened within the last three milliseconds that I have seen her.

- Hello to you, love! I say glad that I can finally see a friendly face that I already know and love.

- What happened, where were you all these days? David came to get me and told me a few things along the way but nothing very specific. She says in one breath as she is clearly evaluating my physical state in one look. For a moment, I think to let it go and minimise what happened but my voice cracks up when I want to answer and tears fill my eyes. Baby, I am so sorry! She adds right away and embraces me, sitting next to me on the bed without a sound.

Even if I stayed there for a few minutes already in total silence, I could barely convince myself to take a deep breath and start talking.

- That day after you left, Andrew came to get me, I start my story and tears are flooding freely for the next hour as I tell her what happened during all this time in total silence from Maria. She only sights from time to time and I can see the wrinkle between her eyebrows becoming more and more prominent.

I finally finish my story with last night's dinner making sure that I don't disclose anything about Rune even if at some moments I am positive that Maria knows I am leaving out certain details.

- So, you say that David knew Sylvia before and just made acquaintance with Andrew and Ryan that day? She says with a leery voice.

- Yes, that's it.

- Do you have any idea if Sylvia is still here, at the mansion? She adds rapidly as if she has just realised there is something very important she has to talk with her.

- You can ask Jane; she is usually in the kitchen. Third door on the right when you get to the first floor. I say wondering what exactly they have to talk about.

As she leaves the room, I feel an emptiness inside me. The space seems larger and stranger now when Maria closes the door behind her and I think of everything that happened the last few days. The warm sun of the afternoon caresses my face as I try to find the logic of everything that has been happening. I have lost my family at such an early age that I don't even remember them only to lose my adoptive family a few years later. The feeling of emptiness becomes stronger as I realise that if I follow Andrew to England, I will lose Maria as well. I will be all alone in a world I don't belong, with strange creatures that might or might not want me around them. How to go along with this and hope everything will be ok? As this pressure increases inside me, I get up from the bed and decide I need to take a walk and maybe continue my conversation with Andrew. The second I get to the door, it opens leaving me looking at Andrew who is sitting there with a tray with something that seems to be orange juice and a cup of coffee.

- Rise and shine, kitten! He says sporting that million-dollar smile that could make any girl sigh. Sorry about earlier, I didn't realise that you drank that much.

- It doesn't feel that bad, I say even if my brain still seems a bit foggy.

- Come, drink the coffee and the juice and we can go out for another walk, this time without any wine, he adds giggling and I feel my cheeks warming with embarrassment. I really should not have drunk that much, especially since I don't even usually drink.

The coffee feels a bit too bitter for my liking but the orange juice is fresh, cold and makes me feel refreshed. I barely put the glass on the tray when Andrew leaves it on the base cabinet and takes my hand in a rush.

- Come, I also have something for you that I am sure you will like. He adds directing me towards the stairs but as we get to the first floor, he redirects me into the study.

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