Chapter 3

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Diana POV

I feel rage surging through my veins when I hear Rob. So it has come to this, I am being forced to give "private relaxation" to the owner or his friends. I open my mouth, gasp, but yet don't say anything. I have to think this through since I am pretty sure tonight I am getting sacked.

- Rob, sorry, can't do that. And you know what I mean by that.I hear myself saying with a low, trembling voice. Actually I can hear myself in my voice the tears that threaten to come tumbling down my face.

I swear I could even hear the buzzing of a fly at this point since none of my colleagues dare to say something, not even move or possibly even breathe.

Rob takes a swift glimpse at the whole group, like to make sure all others are in line and comes towards me with long, calm and composed steps, as if he is trying to keep his fury in check. As soon as he gets at arm's length from me, he brutally grasps my arm and starts dragging me towards his office without saying a word. So I am getting sacked, that's it for me. At least from my small amount of savings I can cover my basic costs for around three months. Probably more if I try to eat as little as possible.

As we get in his office, he closes the door and locks it. Fuck, I was hoping to get sacked and not beaten into submission. I mentally prepare myself for starting to shout for my dear life, trying to hide that my hands are shaking like a leaf in the wind and looking furiously for an object to use in my defense.

But to my utter surprise, Rob passes me and takes a seat at his desk.

- Listen miss, we need to have a little chat about your behaviour. You do realise that you don't fit in this club, hope that is at least clear for you.

- Yes Rob, I say with a shivering voice.

- So you know that I am keeping you here since you are quite a good waitress and an interesting hostess for most customers but you don't fit in this lot?

- I do my best to keep up with the job and earn my money.

- You also know that you can earn more if you take some side jobs, I am sure of that, right?

For a moment I think of saying yes, I know what you do here, but I keep my mouth shut. I got this far and he doesn't seem that nervous anymore so I might even keep my job?

- I am not sure what you are referring to but I am ok with my current salary and no extra jobs.

- Don't play the dumb with me, you little cunt! He bursts out in a furious voice. You know exactly what the relaxation means to our guests and for your information I have never forced any of the girls to do it. It's their choice, I am just offering them the opportunity to earn some extras. It's my deal, a personal deal between me and each of the ones that seem fit, sexy, beautiful and able to handle such a thing. And your idiot ass isn't any of that so get your head out of your butt and see that clear!He spits his words with such hatred that I physically shiver.

For a moment I feel that the room is getting smaller and that I can't breathe. For fuck's sake, I know that I am no extraordinary beauty but I do feel like I look a little better than the average girls. And for sexy, I don't know, I never felt sexy but still, his words are harsh as a sandstone for my ears and my self confidence.

He doesn't seem to realise the blow he has given or maybe he doesn't care since he continued on with his ranting:

- Tonight our owner comes in with his cousin. As such, you and Tatiana will be serving at their table and make sure none, and I mean it, NONE of the girls offer to them any other services. You will not be over friendly to them, you will be on your most proper behavior, you will try to pose as a proper woman and not a sound of our conversation here. Is that clear? he finishes gasping for air like he ran a mile.

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