Chapter 24

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Andrew POV

I started my story with the arrival to Miami and my encounter with Amelia at the hotel and ignoring the chagrin of my mother I don't leave out not even my behaviour towards her that day at the hotel. I can sense mother will scold the hell out of my ass as son as she will be able to get me alone with her but for the moment, she doesn't say a word. Meanwhile me baby brother has entered my father's study and I can see him taking a seat in front of the camera waiting for me to continue.

At that point I know I need to tell everyone that I found my mate and I dread their reactions. At least father and Ryan know already but I don't know how others will react.

- That evening I went out with Ryan as established and to my utter surprise I have found my mate at his club.

- So, Amelia isn't your mate? Mother asks intently as if ready to fly in a second here and I can feel her gaze could ignite the whole room directly through the camera if possible.

I can see father's hand resting on hers on the desk and I know something is really messed up if that is needed. And that is sure since I can see my brother getting up with a carafe of water so I know mother actually lost it a bit and ignited something in their room. So, I continue since I am sure that is something about this I am not understanding. A headache comes in swiftly and I try to remember something I heard when before I had my issue. What exactly did Jane said? And why can't I remember exactly what happened that day? I am battling my own thundering temple when I hear father insisting.

- Andrew, I can feel you are not well but we need to get a hang on all this. Something very wrong is happening and we need to know exactly what it is. Please continue.

So even if I feel like all hell is going to break loose, I confirm to my mother Amelia isn't my mate but Diana.

- And she is a human. I wait for my mother's wrath but to my surprise it doesn't come. She only sits there without saying anything but I can see, for a second, a tear appearing on her check. But that disappears as fast as it appeared and silence embraces us all. I know already what she is thinking and I can feel the sorrow in her heart but at least she knows that at least I found my mate. Finally found her! Since none will say anything, I cut short the moment and continue. She is one of Ryan's employees at that club of his...

- Sweeney's, Ryan adds realising that I never remembered the name.

- Yes, that one. I confirm.

- Did you mate her? Father asks and for a moment I feel a blush on my face. For fucks' sake, I am an adult and already have a few offsprings of my own, why do I feel so bothered by this question? But then I realise, having sex is nothing close to mating and that is why I feel like a teenager at this point. Mating is becoming a real adult, at least in our world. So, I answer briefly:

- No, I planned to get her home first.

- So, next day you asked for Avalon, father continues as a statement and for a moment I incline throwing an accusatory stare at Ryan but then I know my father has his own ways of knowing things, even when Avalon is involved.

- Yes, I took her next day in a date at a restaurant Ryan mentioned and we were attacked by the Order. The same time the nests were attacked. I can hear a small gasp from my aunt and I know something bad has happened, more than I know at this point. For the first time since my arrival to the table I can hear my uncle voicing his concerns.

- It seems that is more than that. That day a large number of nests were attacked, back home and here as well. And at the same time more than one heirs were attacked. Some didn't make it. It was a large-scale attack and it seems the fact that your and Ryan's whereabouts were unknown at that point might have saved your life.

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