Chapter 25

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Diana POV

I need a moment to gather my coherent thoughts in order to find what way I could take outside of the wretched place but before I can do that, the large wooden door opens, and four men enter the room. One of them seems very rough, the bulky sort of guy you would see on a motorbike, all covered in tattoos and scars and ready to fright the living hell out of girls like me. He is dressed in an all-black attire and has a haystack of dirty blond hair that is all tied up in a messy ponytail. Behind him come another three guys, looking all scrubby and dressed in the worst kind of shags I could ever see. One of them seems really inebriated since he is mostly kept on his feet by the others two. As they enter, they are laughing for a reason only them they know since the big guy doesn't seem to say a word and even ignores them until he asks with a thundering voice:

- Which one? The three men seem amused and exchange opinions between them that I am unable to hear and I am sure neither I want to but finally the large man says again.

- I have some fresh meat if you want to break her in. He adds and, at that point, I know he is talking about me.

I shiver and I can feel cold sweats gathering on my forehead on the thought of what they would be doing to me and try to retreat as much as I can in the shadows that cover the end of our scrapped-built cell, but it seems none of them has a clear head enough to hear him because they continue their conversation. At least it seems I am off the hook but what will they do to the other girls? Before my imagination goes all over the place, I can hear the most inebriated one mouthing his request:

- We only have 50 bucks so we will take just one for all of us, we can sort it out faster that way.

- For all three of you it makes 60, my men. The three men look at each other like they are negotiating a bag of apples in a market and then look back at the bulky man.

- Come on, Jax! 40 and the flake we carry now? One of the more sober men say. And a few moments of thinking, the bulky man asks.

- Which one?

- The blond babe we had last time, she is a feisty one, the man says with a sickening laugh so our large owner comes to the bars and opens the door to our cell.

He passes by ignoring me as I would have been a piece of furniture and to my shame, I feel relieved, but my guild gets the best of me right away as I start crying in a moment. Fortunately for me, our captor ignores my silent sobs and gets Samantha by her hair dragging her out of the cell. She is kicking and screaming and trying her best to get out of his pull but that makes no difference at all as he is pushing and throwing her in front of the three men. I can already see the erection of two of them as they look at her.

The dreadful scene moves back behind of the screens that are placed in the room and I can hear the cell door closing shut as the hulk named Jax is leaving the room not forgetting to alert the men:

- Half an hour, guys. Not a minute later.

From behind the screen, I can hear slaps and kicks and Samantha's screams and my mind is trying its best to block the horrific sounds but to no avail since at some point the screen comes down with a loud sound and I can see two of the men holding her as one of them is forcing himself on her. She is on her back on something that I assume was once a mattress with her long hair trapped under the knee of one of her assailants. Her thighs seem covered in blood and I can see a new bruise that will be forming on her right-side cheek. A stream of tears is coming down from her eyes and I can see she is looking directly at me. The man towering her is pushing himself onto her more and more in a frenetic rhythm and I can almost feel her pain and shame and the horrors she is experiencing right now and from the conversation heard before I know is not the first time.

As the man seems to have finished his round leaves the place for another one, the drunkest one. He moves on the same area as the previous one but from this point things go from worse to worst. For the first moments I didn't realise what was happening and Edwina has just come to embrace me and then I know from the sharp sound what that man is doing to obtain his arousal.

The cat strikes again, and I can hear the moaning and the crying of Samantha as he is revelling in whipping her. His curly black hair has become muddy due to sweat and I can see over Edwina's shoulder his erection became more and more prominent. Then he almost rips off his trousers and flips her on her belly. At that point I find hard to even listen not only to look at her, but her gaze is so insisting I cannot withdraw myself from her look. She is on her belly, her hands restrained to the back with the belt of one of her assailants, her shoulders bent in a horrific way, her loins bent in an awkward position that seems at least uncomfortable, most of her skin bruised and bloody to such extend that I can hardly see a patch of it missing the marks of that man's bestiality. Her legs are spread in such a strange position that I doubt they haven't broken one of her hips for her to be obligated to stay like that. He is pushing himself inside her like a libidinous mad rabbit that lost control of his mind, over and over and over as long streams of blood pool on the filthy mattress underneath.

But something changes in an instant. She is no longer frowning or being sad and angered at the same time. I can still see her bright eyes, but they have just lost their brightness as if the sun has just set and her body goes limp in a second. Only her gaze has remained fixed in mine and in a second, I realise what happened. Those brutes have just killed her!

The fury I feel inside bursts and I try to stand up but Edwina stops me, her frail body having much more strength than I thought and she whispers in my ear.

- Don't draw attention! Let them be!

- But...but they've just...I try to mouth through my sobs and Edwina covers my mouth with her hand.

- I know and Samantha did know from the moment they came in that will be her fate. Shh...she says again while caressing my hair and I cannot withstand anymore the whole swinging motion Samantha's body does as the man continues dementedly pushing himself into her dead body.

I close my eyes and I finally hear them laughing and celebrating their demented way of entertaining themselves, announcing proudly that they finished 7 minutes earlier than the deadline. Their knuckles bang loudly on the door and our jailor comes in and lets them out as they exchange money and probably some drugs from what I've heard before.

The repulsive party finally take their leave and the man standing over Samantha's body is looking puzzled then finally declaring:

- I should have taxed them a lot more for this.

He leaves her body lying in that god forsaken position right in the middle of the room, derided even in her death, without a single spark of remorse within his abominable soul. She is still in an unnatural position, body bent for the sport of her killer, half naked and with eyes wide open.

As the door closes shuts with a loud bang, I know that without a ton of luck I would be meeting the same fate soon.

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