Chapter 30

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Andrew POV

- I have some news for you. My brother says rapidly.

- Go!

- Violet wrote to me during the meeting she is sure that the cocktail you've received is well known on the streets for Rune people. She has already addressed it a few times in one of Avalon's dispensaries.

- Good to know, I say even if I don't understand how that would help me find Diana.

- Ali has just told me that he got a scent of Diana in her building and around it.

- Normally he would, she lives there, I say losing a bit of my patience as I roll my eyes the same time.

- Please, Andrew, bear with me, there is a lot of information I am receiving separately and normally I should decide it myself what path to be taken but since she is your mate...Michael says appeasing me and I realise that my brother is only trying to know my input. So, in short, this is what I know by now. Her scent was found around that building, which makes sense if she came back home after leaving Ryan's mansion, but also a bit of a faint of it around a certain car that seems to be the property of that rune child, David. I don't know much on the matter, Ali said he will be look onto this lead. The same time, I had some information from Sean who thinks that he got the scent of another urside behind the club. I am not sure what to make of it but I told him to try and follow that scent for any matter.

- Wait, I say realising that my mind is making some connections that I am unable to grasp at this point. I try to concentrate on the matter and then I realise what was bugging me. You said that David was a rune child? And Ali is looking into him?

- Yes, that's correct.

- Ever thought that the urside that Sean sensed around the club might be exactly David?

- No, for a matter of fact I never thought of it like that but you might be onto something. Do you think David is friend or foe?

- Doesn't matter but a scent of a rune child appears in both places. It isn't someone the council knows so I can exclude Amelia for the moment ...

- Did you thought she would pull something off like this? I mean she has no idea who Diana is so what's the point in that? My brother asks visibly surprised.

- Michael, you should really learn not to trust anyone than family. I say thinking about the many wars I could see and sometimes fight during my life. At least I have learned very soon there is no such thing as trust, sometimes not even within family but I don't add that to my remark. And given the fact that we know there is already a mole in our ranks we can presume anything about anyone, even our closest allies.

- Ok, so let's say it's not Amelia, as you said. Personally, I would have never considered her but now I think that...

- Let's go on, leave it as it is. I cut him off since I can see he is feeling ashamed he never considered her as a possible culprit. We know that Diana left home but never got to work. And there is a scent in both places that of a rune child. Ali couldn't identify it directly so it is likely we have a mixt ancestry.

- And since Sean said he felt the scent of a urside it is likely that our lead, that David guy might be of urside ancestry. So, his scent might be in both places. Diana didn't strike me as a very friendly person so it is more than possible that David wasn't even her friend, or he might not have good intentions for that matter. Ali said he was tracing him?

- And Sean as well, they both left tracking him both I'm not sure what they will come up to with this.

- I will join them, I can't stay here and ask you all to do my job. Finally, she is my mate and my duty to make sure she is found safe and sound. For a moment Michael doesn't say anything so I ask myself that we maybe lost connection but then I realise that I can still hear the faint static of our phone call.

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