Chapter 48

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Andrew POV

The first streams of light start breaking the darkness that covered our room and I can smell some apple pie that Jane is cooking downstairs. I like that she is doing that for my Diana. Probably because my mate is the only other human woman that lives in the mansion.

Our departure was postponed by another two days since the local authorities are loitering and we still didn't get the passport ready so we take our time to get to know each other better. I can feel her stirring beneath the duvet and I move slowly to be able to look at her better. I don't know how to say this but I am, for the first time in my life, falling in love for real. It's not that she is only my mate but I find so many exhilarating things about her that I've never got neither the time nor the interest to learn about others. Yesterday we spent all day in the library, her reading about our history in the small settee and me going over financial documents in total silence. What made my mind go spinning was that we were there in total silence, with only sights and shuffling of fabric when we moved but I felt closer to her than to any other being in my life. The simple fact that we could dedicate each to our own interests in the same room, without interacting with one another but feeling so close and in tuned even if we didn't exchange a word for hours, it's what puzzles me.

So, this is how it feels like to have a mate? And for standing corrected, I didn't even mate her yet. After our happy "moment" in the bathroom, she became shyer than ever and I didn't want to press her more even if wakening up each morning next to her becomes almost unbearable. I am already on edge due to alarming news that come each day from Avalon and that adds up to my impending need to fill her up and claim her as mine forever.

As I stand still and look at her from the small edge of the bed, I am mesmerized by her trust in me. First night, she slept all wrapped up in a foetal position as if she was trying to shield herself from everything, me included. But last night, when I got in bed, she shifted her position in sleep and crawled next to me. This morning she is in a star-shaped position, with her hair all over the bed and my pillow and I can feel she is no longer afraid. Her small mouth is slightly opened and she is making some cute whistling noises that probably should be accounted as snoring but, for the love of me, I cannot find anything more adorable. A small frown is forming on her forehead and I debate myself if I want to break through what ugly dream, she has but it disappears before I can make out my mind. I take another look at her and I decide that is still too early for her to get up even if there are a ton of things she probably could do to prepare for England but I cannot find it in me to break her sleep. So, I get up and sneak into the bathroom to get a quick shower.

The bastard that looks back at me in the mirror seems very content of himself and I realise that there is a calmness that her presence added to my life. Even if I will always be afraid for her wellbeing, I find it soothing that she is finally here, my mate has found her way to me and she is now sleeping peacefully in my bed. Her being a human might add some issues, especially given my position but I am sure that I will have full support of the council. As I finish my shower and start getting dressed, I hear the ringtone of my phone back in the bedroom so I make a run for it, hoping that it will not wake up Diana but to no avail. She is already sitting up, looking puzzled between me and my phone who is buzzing on the nightstand.

- Did you sleep here last night? She asks looking puzzled as I try to get my shirt on the same time as answering my phone.

- Andrew, I answer the phone nodding towards her and I can see she is blushing again. I have to address this as soon as possible because when the matting ceremony will take place, she has to be prepared but my train of thought is cut short by the grave voice on the phone.

- My Liege, we need to talk right away. There are ... developments that you need to know about, the voice says.

- I have talked with Avalon last night. What couldn't wait until a more proper moment of my morning? I ask annoyed.

- There have been new attacks with graver consequences than previously. He answers swiftly and, for a moment, a cold sweat goes down my back before he continues. Lycaon and Selene are unharmed but some of the Lycan council are in a more dreadful situation.

- What? I roar at the phone as if that would put things in place but I know that's not the case. Details! I say more strongly than I meant but it seems to get the point out.

- The Lycan gathering last night was attacked by the Order. They've sent around two hundred humans and some snippers as well.

- And why was Selene present as well? I ask having some issues to understand why such a gathering needed her.

- Her Majesty was at Tulloch when attacked. He says plainly and I hate him for doing this as if he was discussing the weather.

- So, there were multiple attacks? I question him since he is clearly not saying everything.

- My Liege, it's better to talk on a private line, don't you think? He adds and by now I know that things are worse than ever. Neither one of my parents called me and even if they are unharmed, that doesn't mean that they are ok.

- Let me get to my laptop, I say. Send me the secure link. And I cut the call short knowing that we will continue afterwards.

Diana is looking at me as if I have grown two heads and I know by now that I might be looking really enraged.

- Meet me in the library after you've taken your breakfast. I say kissing her forehead. I think Jane is making you some apple pie, I add leaving the room and my mind goes immediately into working mode. If Avalon needs to call on me, things are worse than ever and I have a feeling this is not the end of this bump trip.

As I enter the library, I can hear the ping of an email and I know they are waiting for me. What I was not prepared of is the fact that instead of Edna's face, it's my own grandfather that appears on the screen.

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