Chapter 35

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Diana POV

The morning sunshine is overwhelming the room and I feel not only well rested but in a merrier disposition that I have been for a long time. Sounds come from around the house and I feel the new day could only bring good things my way. As I get out from the bed, I realise it's already four days since I have last talked with Maria if not more. I really need to find a phone and sit her fears to a rest but I need to get out of these pyjamas. Wait a second, when did I got out from the clothes I've been wearing yesterday?

The fog that has been covering my memory lifts out a bit and I remember that someone changed me into these. Was it Andrew? And what else did he did, I ask myself as a gush of embarrassment is flooding my cheeks. I don't even want to think about that but if he did? Wouldn't I feel different?

I take a look at my legs and start touching myself as if I could feel with my fingers if something happened last night. But then the door opens and before I can see who it is I already hear his voice:

- You started without me? He says giggling as if my embarrassment couldn't grow any worse.

- I was making sure I am in one intact piece, I snort out.

He really could be more of a gentleman. But in fact, he was. I am unsure why I am so irritated but I ignore him as I gather my day clothes from the chair they are sitting on and leave for the bathroom closing and bolting the door behind me.

- I only put you to bed, he says from behind the door.

I know that and something in my head says he would never hurt me in any way but he is so annoying and so entitled! I feel that I am ready to burst out in anger as I realise that I haven't changed my underwear in a few days. I can hear a knock the door and I wrap myself in a large towel as I only crack a bit the door.

- I only came to give you these. Sylvia went at your house and got them; he says handling me a small bag with a large grin like he's the freaking Cheshire cat.

As I close the door again and start changing my clothes, I can hear him again through the door.

- There is clean underwear in the bag. I will let you be but know you are waited downstairs for breakfast. He says as I can hear the bedroom door closing and for a moment, I feel drained and so alone.

Something is not right with me. When he is around me, I feel irritated and also grateful that he is there. But at the same time, I feel the need to make him leave. I giggle a bit as I remember what Maria said about her last boyfriend: "I like messing with him so he would leave the room and let me stare at his ass on the way out". Maybe it's the same for me? But I never got the chance to see his butt. I mean what did I saw in him? His hands? His unbelievable dark blue eyes? The fact that he seems unbreakable in comparison to me? Or in comparison to anyone else for that matter? I am really unsure of my reasons or maybe my whole logic.

My mind is all in a twirl as I finish getting dressed and get to the kitchen but there is no one inside. Didn't he say we are going to have breakfast? But then I can hear noises coming from an adjoining room and, as I open the door, I find myself in a space that seems like those posh dining rooms I only saw in movies.

A large table that could easily accommodate probably thirty people is set in the middle of the room and is populated with a number of dishes and an even large number of people some that I know and with others that look at me as if I have grown two heads. They all get up as if I am a crowned head and I feel awkwardly conscious that they are all dressed quite elegant but also casual like they're all in a regular business meeting that the kid dressed in sweatpants just burst into.

- Take a seat here, kitten, Andew says pointing to the empty chair on his right side.

The moment I get myself on the chair all others take back their positions at the table and for a moment I don't know what to do or say. Fortunately, from somewhere behind me appears Jane and she fills up a glass of juice and handles it to me. The silence is finally broken by Andrew who seems to resume their conversation.

- That being said, you all know now what is expected from us.

The guy with red eyes huffs a bit but says nothing even if he seems quite annoyed. The silence is painfully present as if everyone would like to say something but none dare to. Finally, Sylvia breaks it:

- So, now we can all present ourselves to our... Diana. She says as if trying to correct something that crossed her mind. By now you know Andrew, me, Ryan and David. I think you have already also met Sean but, in another form, as well as Ali here and Arno. She says as if we are in a regular get together and that Sean wasn't in the shape of a bear last time I saw him.

- What...who...I say trying to organize my questions and thoughts but it seems that I cannot create a single coherent sentence.

- You mean to ask who we are? David says. We are some Chasers and me part of Avalon. Groups designed to help others like us whenever in need.

- And what are you? I add timidly trying not to offend them. They surely seem like a strange concoction of people that don't really feel that should even be on the same continent, not to mention in the same room working together.

- We go by many names, some nicer like cryptic creatures and some ruder like monsters. We call ourselves Rune Children, Sylvia intervenes.

- And you are all...Rune Children? I ask looking intently to Sylvia.

- You mean if I am a Rune? And you can call us Rune for short. Yes, I am, in fact I am a mix of two different species. She says with a large smile as if she is offering me an ice cream and not an answer that blows my mind. I know what you are thinking. We do look like humans most of the time. Maybe except Aaron here who refuses to use his contact lens, she jokes looking at the strange man with red eyes. Aaron puffs again and adds:

- They are annoying. And maybe this is a conversation that you girls should have in private since I am sure none wants a lesson on cryptic biology at breakfast, he adds in a grumpy tone.

- Let the girl ask her questions, Aaron! A lovely redhead with a thick French accent says cutting him off. The grumpy one here that I understand you've already met is Aaron, I myself am Madeleine, she adds. I will let the others present themselves, she says with such a lovely smile that I feel like I instantly like her.

One after the other, both men and women rise from the table and present themselves in a whirlwind of names and bids to feel myself welcomed with them. My own emotions are a mix of fright since I understand that none of them is actually human but also, I like them since they all seem nice and welcoming like they are greeting a lost friend that just came home. As they finish the introductions, I find myself asking out loud.

- And why am I here?

I swear I could hear a needle dropping on the floor at that moment since all the rumour and shuffling comes in an instant at an end.

- Oh, so that's our queue to leave, Sylvia says with a reassuring smile and in an instant everyone except me and Andrew get up from the table and leave the room.

As they leave, I feel like all my appetite has disappeared and emotions are going overboard as I wait for Andrew to say something. 

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