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Mum! Why are you arranging the house so much

We are having a guest


I sent it to the group chat that Loyal is coming home!

Really? Loyal is coming? Why didn't my manager tell me

Is your manager reading our family conversation too moon?

Just once in a while

Then she must have seen those miserable videos you keep there too

She's not nosy mum! That's why I employed her and fired the last one

Then you should stop keeping those damn videos!

Mum don't be so angry! We are having a guest, did you inform Clyde that his bestie is coming

They are best friend he definitely knew

When is he coming?

Garcia will bring him soon

Ma'am we are home! Garcia announced and she stood up immediately

Oh my goodness! Our dear Loyal is here

Hello godmother 

Come here my darling! She spread her arms to hug him, we miss you so much

Brothers! Loyal is here! Moon announced and Enzo rushed down with Clyde


Oh bestie! Look at you Clyde! I missed you so
Much! Loyal tried to hug him and he pushed him away

What the hell bro!

Clyde is angry with you for running away! Enzo said

I didn't run away! My grandfather sent me away

If you were not so mischievous he wouldn't have sent you away

You are blaming me for that? Don't you miss me?

I don't miss you one bit

But you call me every day dude!

It's just to ask relevant questions

Why can't you just admit that you are in love with me Clyde

In your dream! You are so clingy

You are my first love, Clyde

That's so gross! You are so gay, bro! Clyde said disgustingly

Y'all should come to the family diner, Loyal needs to return home tomorrow morning

Yes mum!

The food tastes heavenly!

Mum is a good cook.

Aunty is good at everything

Oh my don't say that! Aza said and smiled

I haven't seen Oliver since I got here

Oliver has traveled to Japan with his family

Really? I thought he was the group's vice president now, why is he in Japan

He is still maintaining his position but he will be there for 3 years

That's long bro! Does he like it there

His wife liked it there and wanted to raise Leo in Japan

So he went there because of his wife?

Raya collaborated with Mum to push Oliver to Japan just because she likes it there, I always told y'all not to get married it is such a hassle, women are trouble!

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