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Aza opened her eyes and saw the same darkness, she tried to move around and her bone cracked, she was in total darkness for so long that she lost count of the time, every time she woke up someone came in and sprayed her face and she will fall asleep right back

She tried to stay awake but the drugs were too strong for her to hold, she couldn't see a thing not even a ray of light, everything on her body was removed when she got here, she had on just her panties and the white bralet she wore under her blazer

She could only feel that she was on a huge bed because she rolled around to check, it was comfortable though but tied down wasn't comfortable

Her hands and legs were both tied and have maintained this position for several hours, her body ached and her head kept spinning

He will come in soon! Aza thought and swallowed the big lump in her throat, he will
Come in and spray again to make me fall asleep!

I can't fall asleep now I need to stay awake! She said to herself but also knew she might not be able to do it, she was weak and hungry she needed even a drop of water to hold herself together before she broke apart

My brothers will come for me! She thought to herself, and a tear rolled down her face, what if I die? I won't see my brothers anymore I won't be able to see them

Mum would not allow them to come for me, she hates me and wants me gone, this is the right opportunity for her to get rid of me! She thought and a sob escaped her mouth

Crying, my little bride? The voice she had only heard but never seen before said to her, she felt the person move closer to her and a little light came on

Aza knew there was a little brightness but couldn't bring herself to open her eyelids it felt so heavy

Sit up! He shouted and her heart skipped a beat and her body trembled, her eyes flashed open immediately, dabbed her face with the back of her hand and sat up

She looked at her almost naked body and felt so embarrassed, her whole body was on fire she was so cold it felt like her bones were gonna break

She looked at the man seated in front of her, he was a man in his late 40s even though he looked younger, a tall fine man, his presence screamed fortune and his eyes looked like he licked blood on a daily basis, he looked ruthless he must have a killed a lot

Whoever he is, he wants to derive joy from humiliating me, I shouldn't give him the satisfaction I Would never break in front of my enemy

Who are you? Aza asked with the little strength she could gather in her voice

I am Davis Scarlet

What do you want from me? Why did you keep me here for so long?

You don't know me?

Why would I know someone like you?

I'm so disappointed! Azariah should have informed you! She should have said something

Mother? What does mother have to do with this?  Aza asked and it hit her suddenly, did mother ask you to kidnap me down here and kill me?

Do you think your mother will send someone to kill you?

I don't know!

Oh my! I have been thinking about it for so long now, I couldn't understand but now I understand everything! Azariah does not like you, right?

What are you saying?

You have been here for 4 days! Aza did not make any move

4 days! I have been here for 4 days. Aza said with a low voice

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