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Clyde got into his room and Moon followed him

What the hell bro! Why is there such a big computer screen and anime pictures everywhere

Clyde sat down in front of his computer and turned it on and his hands started flying on it, moon eyes were following his hands as he typed

Oh wow! You are so fast Clyde! Moon said and made a little clap

He took his phone typed something on it and gave it to Moon

What is this?

Her current locations

Her phone is off how did you track

And who told you I can't track dead phones Let's go right now! He said and stormed out of his room and Moon ran behind him

Wait for me!

They got the car garage and he was parading around and scratching his head

Where the hell is my car!

Your car is the last one at the rear end sir! One of the guards said

And why is my car down there?

We packed the car according to how frequently they were being driven out

Clyde you need to inform them earlier if you want to use your car and they will bring it out of the garage you see how many cars that's packed in here! Only Enzo is using one roll

I need to go out!

I came with my car key!

Give it to me!

No! Your hand is bleeding I will drive it! Moon said and got into his car

Let me drive you Clyde I'm faster! Enzo said and Clyde closed the car and followed Enzo he drove out immediately and Moon followed them behind

They got the location on the GPS and they started trailing the red light only to find the phone in the middle of the road

Why is her phone here?

Damnit! Clyde said and punched the wall, someone took Aza


I'm sure someone took her! This is a fucking road why would her phone be here if she was not taken

We need to go right now and inform Mother! Enzo said and they got back into the car and went home

They arrived home and they all rushed inside at once Garcia came behind them

Did you find her? Oliver asked as they got in and Enzo shook his head

Mother! Aza has been kidnapped!

What? That's impossible Clyde

It is possible Mum we found her phone on the road and she hasn't been home for days


Yes Garcia

One of our guards brought home Aza's car just now

Oh, my good lord! Liam exclaimed

Where did he find it?

It was packed on the highway


Yes ma'am! Also, the waitress who served Clyde a drink couldn't be found but I'm on her trail right now

This is crazy! What's going on mum? They can't take Aza away! Enzo shouted frustratingly

Moon left the room and Enzo followed him and they went to Aza's room, and they checked the whole room

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