Trouble for Davis

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The kings were all seated waiting for the doctor's arrival while Moon shouted at someone on the phone

What do you mean? When I told you to cancel something then you cancel it! What did I employ you for?

Don't say any but! cancel the show and refund all the money back, send out an apology

Fans will be angry let them! I will be fine even if I don't do any show! what the fuck are you saying? You are the manager you should take care of things for me

My family is going through a crisis and you want a fucking show? Just fuck off! Idiot! He said and hung up the call

Calm down moon! He is looking out for you! Liam said and pressed his shoulder

He shouldn't look out for me he is just dumb!

Hello Mr. Kings! The doctor came in and they all stood up to greet him

How is our sister doctor? Is she okay?

Please sit down! He said and they all relaxed

How did you allow things to get so worse before bringing her over?

It was Mother! If she had entered and rescued Aza fast she wouldn't have suffered so much

Is she dead? Enzo asked and they all glared at him

She is not dead

Doctor one thing, please! Clyde interrupted, I hope that bastard did not touch her. 

If by touch you mean sex, he did not have sex with her

So what are the complications?

She has a few broken ribs, and her back was scarred with a hot iron I guess it will leave a big scar but we can do scar removal surgery once she's healed, she hit her head

She hit her head? Will she have memory loss?

She won't suffer any memory loss, but she will deal with headaches for a while most important is the trauma, she will be traumatized it will be hard for her to live normally so I will suggest therapy as soon as she's awake

We will get a therapist for her

How about mother?

She's fine, she just had a scare

Thank you, doctor!

It's fine

Aza! Aza! Garcia heard and moved closer to the bed and held Azariah

Sister! She called out slowly

Aza! You can't die

Sister Wake up! Garcia called out and shook her

Aza! She screamed hard, jerked up, and looked at Garcia

You are awake

My daughter? Is she dead?

She's not dead

Where is she?

The last room at the VIP Ward! Garcia said and she removed her IV drop forcefully and ran out

Aza barged into the ward and saw her sons standing around, Enzo was sitting beside Aza and holding her hand lovingly, she went to the other side and looked at her closely, she had some wounds on her face and her head was tied with a bandage

The doctor says she has some broken ribs and she hit her head, her back was also scarred, Garcia says

Did Davis defile my daughter?

He didn't ma'am

Where is he?

I have brought him with me

When is she gonna Wake up?

Anytime soon

Did you treat Davis?

He got shot in both legs so I treated one and left one

Very good now take me to him!

Yes ma'am

Take care of your sister! She said to his sons and followed Garcia out

Mr Davis is in trouble! Moon sings out, I feel so bad for Mr Davis! He said and rolled around the ward

Moon is so dumb

Brother, should we go watch? Moon asked Liam

Who will watch Over Aza?

I will stay with her I'm tired anyway! Oliver says

I will stay too! Liam said to them, the three of you can go

I need to watch how that bastard gets ripped apart! Clyde said and stood up and they all went out and drove off

Davis was tied down on a chair almost naked and his hands and legs were tied to the chair, Aza got into the room and they gave her a chair to sit on

Is he dead?

He fell asleep I guess

Wake him up! Aza said and Garcia carried a bucket of water poured it on his head and slapped his face

Aza! He shouted angrily

I see you still have the strength to shout! She said and smirked, look at this boy here! She said and pointed at Tony who was tied down beside him

Did he do anything to my daughter?

Ma'am, I did not! I was only following Davis's order, I was just being loyal to my boss

Were you not trained by Garcia? How did Davis turn to your boss? He offered you more right?

I'm sorry ma'am

Davis put you down here to stalk Aza for two years

He just said I should monitor her

Oh really? You are monitoring Azariah's daughter? Where did you buy your audacity from?

I'm sorry ma'am

Garcia! Aza called

Mum wait for us! Don't pass judgment yet! Moon shouted from behind and ran inside while his brother came behind

Why are you guys here?

We came to watch it! Bring the chair I'm tired from running! Moon said and they moved a sofa for them to sit on, you can proceed mother

This Tony I don't need to do anything to him just break his legs and report him to the police for stealing and stalking and drug abuse, let him spend a lifetime in prison and pay the inmate to deal with him every Friday I want him to be traumatized till he will die

Yes ma'am

Bring back Enzo's car that he took away

Thank you, Mum! Also, the one million dollar Liam gave him

Don't worry about that! Clyde takes care of that money and sends it to his wife and daughter so they can live well

Alright Mum I will do that

Now to you Davis! Aza said and faced him

Trying to be a human huh?

I was a human one second ago but now to you, I'm a beast!!

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