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Their cars arrived home and a guard carried Clyde on his back

To my room! Aza said and they took Clyde into her room and everyone came behind her

Please change his outfits! She instructed and waited outside till the guard was done and she barged in and looked at Clyde and his head was getting hot

Please call a doctor Garcia

Yes ma'am

Mum he only took a small drink

You can all leave! She said and they all left her room while she watched over Clyde

Why is Mum so aggravated? It was just alcohol!

Clyde is allergic to alcohol he can die from it! Garcia said to them from behind

Oh my goodness! Oliver exclaimed how come we don't know about it?

Clyde doesn't follow us out often I am not sure we have ever needed to drink together I guess that's why we don't know! Enzo said

Mum already informed us that Clyde is not allowed to drink! Liam said to them

Oh my God!

Good morning ma'am!

Hope is he now doctor! Aza asked with a low voice

We have flushed out the alcohol but he had a strong one I told you not to ever allow him to drink

I avoided it doctor

He will be fine he just needs to rest for some days

Then why is he not awake yet?

He will wake up ma'am, he will have a little abdominal pain but I have injected him to reduce the pain he will be fine

Thank you

I will be leaving now

Alright doctor

Mum! Liam called out and moved closer to Aza, Clyde will be fine mum

I want him to wake up I need to see my son's eyes, He had a severe reaction to alcohol while he was a baby , I have never allowed him to touch alcohol for once how come ?

It might be a mistake

Clyde would never make that kind of mistake when he knows his health is at risk

He took the drink himself

I will ask him when he is awake! Y'all can leave now

Mum where's Aza? Moon asked

How would I know? Go and look for her yourself

We left the event together last night but didn't get home together

She probably went to the Wilsons

Aza will not leave Clyde and go to the Wilsons

Now you are disturbing! Let your brother rest moon

We will come back to check on him mum

Garcia came down in the evening and they were all seated at the family diner

Where's Mum Garcia? It's time to eat

She's not coming down

Why? She's going to break down this way

She won't be fine till she sees that Clyde is awake and fine

Can we come in?


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