The kings Sons

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Brother look! He is coming! Moon alerted Liam and he got out of the car and Oliver came behind him

Hey, stop! Liam said while standing with his hands in his pockets and his 4 brothers standing beside him

The kings?

Yes, the kings!

What do you want from me?

We needed our sister

And why did you come to me?

Hey, stop pretending! You lied about being Aza's new guard and drove us to the event and never brought her back I remember you clearly! Clyde said

Ohh! He said

Oh? Where the hell did you take her to? Enzo shouted angrily pulled out his gun and he also pulls a gun and pointed at him

Where the hell did you take my sister to?

Enzo fucking calm down! Liam shouted furiously, we need to settle this amicably Enzo

No brother! Clyde said and pulled his gun at him too, I'm gonna kill him If he doesn't say where Aza is

The two of you put the gun away!


I said put the gun away!! Liam shouted and they both kept their guns, listen! He said to the guard we will do anything you want just tell us where our sister is




Yes, anything! We will give you money

If I tell you where she is how would you get her out? Because I could see your mother is not making any moves

We will make plans on it, just tell us where she is, please

One million dollars

I will give it to you!

And that car as well! He said and pointed at a Porsche packed behind

What the hell bro! That's my car! Enzo shouted angrily and Liam smacked his head

Is the car More important than Aza? We will get a new one

It's a customized car brother!

Whatever! He said and snatched the key and threw it at him, I will send you the paperwork

The payment?

Liam brought out his phone and typed on it fast

Bring your code! He came closer to him and scanned the code, sent! He said and showed him the phone

Where is she?

He clicked his phone and showed it to them and Liam snapped the picture on the screen

Is it real?

Of course, it's real! You can come after me If it's not real I have no reason to lie to you

Okay cool!

But you have to hurry up because Davis wanna fly her out tonight

Tonight? What the hell! They said and everyone rushed into the car the guard smiled

They are so stupid! I gave them the location because they had no backup, Davis would kill them all before they even walked close to Aza, it's not my business I got free money and I get to keep my job because I might even kill you all If Davis commands it

Really? Someone said and before he could look back he felt someone knack his head with a bottle and he fell on his knee, he touched his head and saw the dripping blood

Hi buddy!


I'm employing you as the king's guard since you wanna work with me so badly do you like my offer?

Where's Aza?

I don't know

You don't know? That's bad, choose one

One what?

Your wife or your child?

Garcia! He called out and was about to pull his gun but she held his hand behind him and broke his bone

Satisfying! Garcia chewed her gum loudly, she dipped a hand into his pocket and removed his gun and his phone, she turn it on by the side and showed it to his face and it opened

Oh my oh my! Where did you get this much money, Tony? Have you started stealing?

I did not steal it!

One million dollars? Did Davis sell his shares and give the money to you?

My sons probably gave it to him, Aza said and he looked back to see her coming from behind, her boot heels were clicking on the floor, she was dressed in a long leather winter jacket with a large belt on the waist and black heels boot she looked so angry and dressed to kill

The kings gave them to you? Garcia asked and he didn't answer then a slap landed on his face and he winced in pain

Garcia my hand is broken!

I broke your hand not your mouth idiot!

They gave it to me!

And that Porsche too?


Garcia throw him somewhere and let's go! Aza  said

We need him to lead us in there ma'am

I can't do that Garcia! Davis will kill me

So you are more scared of Davis than me? I have your family with me, Tony, I trained you for a long time and you told Davis everything about the family!

I'm sorry Garcia!

Take me to Davis right now! If you refuse now will kill your mother! If I get the location myself will your daughter, when I get to the place and Aza is hurt I will kill your wife, if I see any wrong thing each day I will kill your grandparents your nephews and niece, and all your cousins till you are alone

I will take you!


Hello, my little bride! Aza heard the voice she hated hearing and her body trembled, she couldn't make a sound or move her body she felt her body was paralyzed already, without anyone telling her she knew she wouldn't be able to make it till tomorrow if she is not taken care of

At least it would be better that way, being dead is better than being humiliated by this horrible man, I'm going to miss my brothers but my mum
will be happy that I left, she thought and a tear rolled down her face

Oh my! Are you feeling sad Aza? Look at you! Just look at you, if you were not so stubborn then I wouldn't have treated you this way, I just needed your approval and we will proceed to get married and I will make you happy

Aza! He called out slowly and moved close to her in the bed and touched her body


What did you say? See how you can't even speak anymore, your pale skin and nice figure you will make me destroy it all if you keep refusing me Aza

Boss! Someone called out from outside and he stood up reluctantly


The kings are here

The kings?

Yes! All the brothers came here together

Did they come all alone?

Yes none of the king's guard was with them

Those damn boys! Bring me to them

Yes boss

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