The unwanted child

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They got down from their ride and tiptoed into the house carefully so as not to alert their mum

You guys are late! They heard a stern voice say and they looked up to see their mum walking down the stairs

Mum, you are home! Moon said and laughed nervously

Of course, I'm home! She said and sat down on her big chair in the living room moon rushed to her and pecked her cheek

Mum I have a script reading today there's a new movie to shoot

I told you to stop taking petty movie scenes!

Mum, it's not a petty scene you just don't like them because they're not paying as you expected

Of course, I do not like them! I made you a star since you were a child how can there be so little payment? Just go into music instead all entertainment is entertainment

Mum, I'm already doing modeling along with the acting

Is there anything wrong with that? You don't want this fine face and height to go to waste right? Isn't that why I made you a celebrity?


Cancel the appointment I will ask Garcia to invest in a good movie that will make you shine

He won't be able to go to school anymore if he is always acting back and forth, Liam said while coming downstairs

What do you mean Liam he is always in school

One week in one whole month is going to school? He has been an actor since he was a child and you are always investing in new movies to get him featured

It's not a waste, right? He is very popular at this age thanks to me or you don't like it moon?

Of course, I like it, mum! I like it very much! I like being popular! He said and smiled happily and hugged his mum

That's my son! If acting is too hard I will find songwriters and you can start singing instead, the studio session is just some hours then you will have enough time to go to school so your brother won't be mad at us okay

Alright Mum I will do that

Oliver darling, do you like my gift today? Azariah asked and winked at him

Mum, please don't bring that up, he walked closer to her and held her hands, dear mother, I asked you to help me woo a girl not embarrass me in the class

What do you mean embarrassing I was helping you out, can you see this ungrateful child I spent a lot to buy a gift for his girlfriend and he is not happy

Did you buy a gift for his girlfriend? Liam asked and laughed out like crazy

Of course! He said he liked this girl and didn't know how to approach her then he asked me to come help him out

Do you want him to turn out like Enzo

Don't say that brother! I can never be like a second brother, that's exactly what Mum said today she almost ruined the thing by saying that I like women, but I'm still a virgin! I have never fucked a girl before

Oliver watch your words Aza is here! Liam cautioned and they all looked at her sitting afar and looking like she didn't belong in their family

I'm going to my room, she said while looking down and picking up her backpack

You have a query Aza! Azariah said in her stern voice she stopped in her tracks her chest beating heavily and she turned back reluctantly

What did she do mum? Liam asked nervously because he knew anytime Aza offended her it's gonna be a big problem

Harris called me and reported her to me, she hit his daughter

That bitch Mary! Oliver said and clenched his fist

You knew about it, Oliver

Mum I.

Shut it! Come here Aza

She walked to her and slowly stood in front of her her mum stood up and looked at her and slapped her hard on her face

Mum! They all shouted at once

Mum why would you slap her for Mary, she was defending you, Mary insulted you and Aza fought back

Do I look like I need someone to fight for me, Oliver? We have a business cooperation with the Harris what if it gets ruined because of her

The Harris do not hold that kind of power over us! Cutting off this cooperation because the kids fought will be the Harris loss, not ours, why are you taking it out on Aza mum it's just a kid's fight

Don't interfere in this Liam!

Why mum? She's your daughter

I never wanted her!

Mum! Why would you say this to her face that's cruel of you! Moon Said with a tear rolling down his face Azariah tried to touch him and he moved back, I'm going to my room, he announced and ran upstairs while crying

Moon come back here! I told you to come back! He didn't answer and left

This is your fault Aza

Mum, why are you blaming her for that too? She's your only daughter! Aza is only 15 and you are treating her this way

She will be 16 in a few days and still dumb! Aza go back to the Wilson's mansion and reflect on your sins

She did nothing wrong

She's going to ruin this family's reputation!

Aza was looking sideways and didn't know what to say she was holding the helm of her skirt and nervous as hell trying to hold her tears back

I will leave Mum, she said slowly

Aza you ain't going nowhere! Liam said sternly

She has no choice boo! Garcia! She called angrily and she appeared out of nowhere

Yes ma'am

Take Aza back to my father's house

Ma'am but.

No buts! Take her back right now!

Yes ma'am! Garcia said and held Aza and led her outside and Liam's eyes changed instantly

Do you hate her that much?

I don't hate her

Then why! She barely spent 6 months in this house and you are sending her back to the Wilsons?

She's also a Wilson

We all grew up in the king's villa we get the same treatment and Aza is not allowed to live here? She grew up with her grandfather and after much pleading you barely let her move in here now you are sending her back

I kept my promise to you guys and brought her back and she messed up her chances

She's just a kid

We won't talk about this anymore Liam

Then I'm moving out too

You dare not!

I can't leave my little sister alone! He said and left the house angrily

Look at this ungrateful idiot

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