The kings museum

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen the prestige bloodine of the kings! Enzo said and bowed down dramatically and Luna burst into laughter

Why did you call a meeting bro? Liam asked

I have good news for y'all of course! Why is Clyde not here yet?

I'm here brother! He said from behind and Enzo jumped up

What the hell! Can't you announce your arrival why did you sneak in?

You better have something serious to talk about or else I won't let you go for letting me leave something important up there to come down here

Mum! Clyde is so mean! He is always threatening me

I'm your nightmare Enzo, he said and grinned evilly and Aza smacked his head. Mum!

Don't say such stupid words again, he is your older brother show some respect

He rubs his head gently and looks at Enzo with a bad eye

Apologize to him right now

I won't!

You won't? Aza asked and looked at him with a smirk

I will! I will! I'm sorry bro

On your knees

Mum! That's crazy man!


Yes ma'am

Lock Clyde's room and send him into another room! He fell down on his knee straight up and smiled nervously

I'm sorry brother

It's fine! You are a good boy hun! Enzo said and patted his head and he glared at him and went back to sit

So what's the good news my love? Aza said and smiled at Enzo

As we all know that all my paintings are always auctioned off in organized events and mostly online I decided to make the brand bigger than before, I'm opening up a museum to display my paintings and some artist's work and definitely my little sister's paintings will be displayed also

Aza has been painting? 

Yes! A lot of it she just keeps them, so all the painting auctions will take place at the museum henceforth

Is it a personal business? Raya asked

Of course not! Our family doesn't go apart so
It will definitely be a subsidiary of the King's group, mum also built Moon and Kings Entertainment for Moon it's a subsidiary but it belongs to Moon he is the major shareholder, for Kings Museum I'm building it especially for myself and Aza I wanted to do something for my favorite little sister

Thank you, brother! She said and smiled at Enzo happily

I love you, my baby!

I love you too brother

Aza you don't love me? Moon asked and looked at Enzo with a bad eye

I love you too brother

I will give you 10% shares in Moon and Kings entertainment, you love me more than Enzo, right?

Hey moon! Enzo crossed his arms and looked at his brother, I'm giving her 20% in King Museum do you think you can beat that?

She has the right to take that many shares because she's contributing to the paintings, didn't she paint Tears of the Wolf for you? That's the painting you sold for the highest price in your whole career

Moon! Must you say that out here?

Moon, I didn't paint the whole thing we did it together

He just cheated you Aza! Do you know how much he sold tears of the wolf?

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