The mischievous kids

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Azariah looked at all her children sitting across and facing her, she stared at them with a killer look and they all avoided her gaze

Where's Clyde?

He refused to come down

Break down his door!

Yes ma'am

No need! I'm here already, he said and sat down with his legs crossed, Azariah stood up from her seat and smacked the back of his head

Mum! What's that for?

I told you to always sit like a man why is your leg crossed in front of me? Do you wanna impress a girl here?

I'm sorry mum

Why is Aza here? She said and looked over at her and she looked away

You said to bring all your kids ma'am


Mum what do you wanna talk about I was shooting a music video I had to cut it off

Who is paying for the music video? Me!! It's my money I can call you anytime

You don't have to remind me that

I have to remind you because I'm not getting much return for investing in you all the money goes to your account

Mum that's what you wanted!

Hold it right there! I'm here to discuss an important issue right here, Oliver.


Enzo told me you impregnated a girl

I'm screwed! He thought to himself and gave his brother I'ma kill you look and he felt intimidated

Oh my goodness your look is scary Oliver! Why do you look like Dad when he is angry, I didn't lie on you, did I?

Did you all know about it? Azariah asked and they looked away

So y'all knew? So who is the girl

Mum, I only have one girl!



Why didn't you tell me about it? How did your brothers know I don't

We just talked about it casually

Casually? How do y'all communicate

We have a group chat

We are all in the family group chat

Not that one mum! We have one among ourselves just the boys

So y'all discuss the pregnancy in there, so did you plan the marriage too

Mum! Oliver can't get married now he is too young, and he will see more girls that he will like later on he should have fun before marriage

Shut up Enzo! Just shut that dirty and stinking mouth of yours! Do you think everyone is like you? Huh?

Mum, we told him to announce it to the family it's Enzo who held him back and said you will force him to marry Raya and he won't enjoy his life that marriage is a burden, Clyde said

Yes yes, mum! I'm not involved at all I was just reading their messages and passing by I was busy with my movie shoot

Enzo!!!! Azariah shouted angrily and he held Liam tightly who pushed him away

Don't touch me, idiot

Brother she's getting mad at me I'm not the one who impregnated a girl

Face her and tell her that

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