Chapter 22: Don't cross a Yeti

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                              "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you" Kin opened her phone and connected to the D.J. booth broadcasting their conversation to the entire crowd. "Can you repeat that, I couldn't hear you because you were mumbling."

                             Lincoln glared at Kin with her fists clenching even tighter, the threat still hovering in the air from saying it, "I said..." She was nearly screaming it in Kin's face "I paid a small fortune and lost my family just to ensure I would get Stewart and lock your ass up. I did it once, I can do it again. Don't interfere with my plans."

                           Kin smiled "But you have nothing left to forfeit" Kin openly laughed at Lincolns threats, "I locked your ass up once..." She mocked. "Remember this bitch... You took away years of my life so in fairness I vow to take away the one thing you are most proud of..."

                            "And what is that." Lincoln folded her arms and lean back eying Kin haughtily. 

                             "The artificial image that you keep in place," Kin lied, hoping Lincoln wouldn't catch on. "Every single thing in your life that makes you think people actually see you as anything other than an evil, vindictive bitch." Kin laughed as Lincoln scoffed. "Okay I will say it in simple terms then... Your reputation, I am going to destroy your goodie-goodie reputation. Everyone will realize the truth, Emily's abusive ex was fueled by you, for your own entertainment..."

                             "It was entertaining to watch." Lincoln sighed at the memory

                             "I'll say you told her that Emily was cheating with you."

                            "No one will ever believe that," Lincoln rolled her eyes "At least no one that knows me." She folded her arms and glared at Kin.

                             "You've stolen homes, destroyed companies and caused some of our classmates to loose everything at graduation because they stood up to you. I will open their eyes to your evil... No one will ever trust you again."

                              "Please, even the idiots all around us..." Lincoln pointed to the building but kept her attention locked on Kin "... in there, they believe me over you. And they have since we were young" She laughed "that's not changing anytime soon. I could tell them the sky was actually purple and they are so dumb they'd believe me."

                             "How many of them did you use and spit out to boost yourself?"

                             "Enough, I mean I am more important then they are anyway so who cares." Lincoln folded her arms and for a moment forgot everything but her arrogance "So what, so a few people had to suffer, and a few had to lose everything, and maybe a few had to die.... I got what I want and after all isn't that the only thing that matters."

                               "So... just to keep track" Kin started counting playfully, making sure to keep the phone hidden "you are admitting to bribery, fraud, kidnapping, identity theft, embezzlement, grand larceny, and even homicide." 

                                 "Why not" Lincoln laughed "It's your word against mine and in spite of the mess you made of my plans tonight you still won't be able to convince them to believe you over me."

                                 "Really?" Kin held up her phone. Lincoln's stance locked up, her hands shaking as rage came over her facial expression "Thanks for that, you made my job so much easier." Kin looked towards the building, at the rows of glass windows overlooking the gardens where stood half their graduating class. "Let's see what they choose to do with you shall we." Kin relaxed and started heading towards the building "Because I am done with you."

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