Chapter 11: Pack life

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     It was one in the morning; Kin was in the middle of a peaceful dream. It was a day at the farm doing chores with her new family. She felt safe.... until she was startled awake by her laptop buzzing. She sat up slowly, to tired and worn out to really jump at the laptop. She opened it and entered the video chat; several people in black robes were along the back wall of a room painted all grey. "What do you want," she frowned.

     "Just to warn you," the person in the center stepped forward, there was nothing distinctive about them, there movements and walk was the same as everyone in the group "Remember everything, and you will see that you are not among friends." The group behind the center person left exiting on either side as the person in the center got closer to the screen. try as they may Kin was able to learn a few things about them. One, they were all short... so they were either not yeti, or they were very young. Two their voices were gravely, the kind of coarse voice that only comes with age.  Finaly three, they were trying hard to disguise everything, from their walk to any identifying gender in the shape of their bodies. To the silhouettes of their frame and even any visual of their hands, faces and necks. Kin wasn't sure what this meant but she made a mental note. "To think they didn't know where you were is foolish... remember." The call cut off, Kin shut the laptop and sat down frowning, her mind racing at hundreds of times the speed as before. Kin fought to get back to sleep, after a while she successfully managed to fall asleep, but the pleasant dreams had turned against her. Several hours later Kin was up and getting dressed, trying to forget the tips that the distrustful enemies had given. 

     "Are we ready?" Kin was a bundle of nerves and excitement. Today she was going to be on the runway for the first time. Kin Bounced along behind them as they headed to the car. The trip into the city was exciting in the sense that they were chatting and getting to know each other. They pulled into the venue and parked in the back. As they entered through the stage door Kin's senses bolted into high gear. Something was near; she didn't sense danger, it felt more like her future and her past making sense for a few nerve-blasting moments. Kin tried to push it aside while she checked in. She was new so therefore she was not going to be in the same location as her family. After she got her information, she headed towards the feeling that was distracting her. Then she saw him, the man that had been playing with the kittens; he was standing to the side of the stage with the women who was putting on this show. Nervously she came up to him; Kin could hear her family behind her trying to get her attention. "Excuse me," Kin whispered as she stepped up to his side. "You don't know me, but I know you. I was at school one day; my dad has anger issues and he had gotten violent again... I was under the impression that like my mom was showing me I needed to just ignore the abusive classmates, just let them." He fidgeted, sat his daughter down that he was holding and adjusted to get closer so he could hear her clearly. "While they were stabbing me in the back with a sewing needle, I was watching you outside. I realized when I saw your daughters were different too, that I am not some kind of beast..." She took a deep breath and sighed, relaxing "Because of you I knew enough to fight against everything... Thank you."

     "My names, Beau." he smiled at her " this is my friend Celia that is running the show, and these are my daughters. Von and Noa," he pointed to the crowd in the audience "my other child is over there with my wife." He reached out his hand "and your name is?" she shook his hand with a smile.

    "Bernadette Kinley Conte, just call me Kin." She looked at Celia "You smell familiar, you're like me, aren't you?" she thought for a minute " You really like the snow?"

    Celia laughed "Yes I do, so does my whole family."

    "It's just my dad and I that like the snow. His mom was killed for it... Her own husband said she was the devil." Kin pushed the pain back down again "it really messed up my dad."

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