Chapter 16: Lincoln Loss

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          Kin got into the house first and saw the crowd all standing around "uh...Oz has sandwiches and coffee in the car." A couple pack members rushed out to help. The rest rushed out as Kin headed up the stairs "Will, Wes" She inched forward and gave them each a hug "Is it safe to get closer, I don't want to mess anything up." 

           "You're good... we were concerned so we used the serum to focus the process." 

        "How is it going?" Kin stepped closer and leaned against the wall.

         "No surprise the adaption happened first with the youngest and then worked its way up." Will turned back to the bedroom and looked in "And there we go, that is the last one." He smiled at Stewart and Ramsay "This is going to make the silverbacks very happy knowing that you stepped up to help."

        "Make sure they are around the pack a lot so the new species sets in." Wes smiled and gave Kin a side hug "Who is the guy eyeing us behind you?"  

        Kin turned and looked "That's Oz, my bond." She smiled happily and winked at Oz "It's repairing, we felt it anchor in as the lead alpha's call it." Everyone erupted into cheers as Oz came over and wrapped his arms around Kin. "Oz this is Will and Wes, Ward the youngest rarely leaves their homebase." She took a deep breath as Oz wrapped his arms tighter around her. "Their oldest brother Wyatt chose to live and so did their sisters Winnie, Wren and Wendy. Their mom like w's" Everyone giggled "Have you peeked in on your siblings families lately?"

       "Yes, they are on the sixth generation..." Will smiled "They would love how their family just keep expanding."

      "I love how they all look like them. Well almost all of them, the newest little boy looks just like Will." Wess laughed "Poor child." Will hit him "And yes the flowers I planted worked, the people in charge of the cemetery left them. One of their kids said it was a sign that they were watching over them."

       "Someone is," Stewart smiled "That is so sweet that you look in on them like that."

       "Thank you," Will nodded at him "Most people find it creepy."

       "I have a question that is a bit off topic..." Everyone looked at him "Is it okay that I am feeling extremely protective of Kin right now." Oz was shaking and trying not to growl at anyone.

        Will answered, "Yes it is because the bond is strengthening and you are protecting that while it does so you don't lose her again."

       "Translation," Wess smiled "Trust your instincts, Kin... just do what he says." He pushed Oz and Kin toward the attic stairs "If this is not making you comfortable then go up there and isolate." Oz nodded, scooped Kin up and headed to the attic. Wess turned back to Ramsay and Stewart. "Have someone they both view as siblings bring stuff up to them, give them space and let us know if you need anything. The bond is healing, hopefully by tomorrow it will be restored and solid." 

       "Thank you, Ramsay and I will handle their needs personally." Stewart scooped up Everly who needed a cuddle. 

      "I like how this looks." Ramsay came over holding little Annael and gave Stewart a kiss "Someone needs a nap, and a bottle. Are you good with these three?" 

     "Yeah, we're going to go downstairs and play a game." 

     "Can we check on Kin before we head out." Stewart nodded at Will so the two brothers headed up to the attic. Will knocked on the door "Oz..."

      "Enter," Will and Wess entered to see Oz and Kin cuddling on the couch streaming tv. "You were right this is very relaxing" the tension he was feeling is gone. 

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