Chapter 12: Plotts on the farm

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       The weekend came, Kin headed out for the shows she was scheduled with and came home with even more gigs. Her popularity was erupting quickly. With Celia backing her Kin was quickly being fought over. the weekend was a whirlwind of emotions, fun and self-esteem boosts. Kin's head was still spinning as she climbed out of bed Monday morning. She took a shower and got dressed then headed out into the sitting area. Curios she peaked into the guy's bedroom, "Knock, knock?" 

     "Come in we're clothed and in here arguing about facial cleanser" Ramsay laughed.

     Kin entered and looked around, they had pushed the walls out raising the steep roofline enough to double the original space. "Wow," she turned to her left and saw the bed and what looked like a walk-in closet. To the right was another door, with a light on. She made her way towards it and peered in "Impressive, was this a large construction project or did I misjudge the crawlspace on the other side of the wall."

     "Both," Ramsay laughed as he set down the bottle and smacked Stewart on the butt. 

     "Hey sis," Stewart didn't even look up he was still enthralled in the bottles in front of him.

      "Are you okay?" Kin slid up beside Stewart and looked into his face "still having nightmares?" he nodded "yeah, I get that... they go away if you plot revenge...." she laughed at the shocked look on his face. "Not like that, when Etta was planning on making sure I died mating with Aye, I plotted how to use the situation to help me." Stewart turned around, leaning on the counter, he was straight faced and filing his nails as he listened "As long as I showed improvement daily with combat training Aye would jump through hoops to keep me happy and safe." 

     "I don't know if it's possible to use this against her." Stewart sighed as he tossed the nail file on the counter.

     "The key here is to not let people tell you how to feel or what to do." Kin smiled as he raised a questioning eyebrow at her. "We all desire to help those we care about; we want you to know how we got through things that might or might not be similar... that way you see there is a path out of it. For me it was fact, stick with logic, and learning and..."

      "That makes sense for you yes, some of the other advice makes sense for the givers now." he leaned his head back and took in a deep breath.

     "So, based on what helped us and how it applies to our personalities... what should help you?" Kin noticed Ramsay his emotions had been steady but now were all over. "Ramsay, I feel that... what is it?"

      "I'm not the type to fight back and it annoys him." Stewart frowned, the scent of dread over the pending fight with Ramsay was looming in the air.

     "So, neither does the godfather, he hires people to do it but he himself is still terrifying." Kin laughed but both of their heads shot up and looked at her. "Stewart is an Alpha, in every sense of the term, he leads you to your path... he does not drag you there and rub your nose in it. So right now," she smiled "leave it to me boss," she winked at Stewart "I'll take care of the problem." 

       Ramsay laughed "I'll agree to that." he smirked at Stewart; a look being exchanged between them that only lovers could understand. The look of relenting, of I love you and I don't want to fight. Kin felt the tension give in the air and understood. She stood up straight, saluted and left them alone.

      She retrieved her laptop and some breakfast from the snack bar and went to her room to do a little research. As she opened the laptop Celia and Beau's cards fell out of the pocket of her pants on the chair across the room. "Okay," she stood up and retrieved the cards "I will start here." She dialed up Beau first, of the two she seemed to connect with him. The screen clicked on, and his friendly smiling face was there. "Hi, I have a problem. I was going to sit down and do research on it and your cards fell out of my pants across the room" she frowned. 

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