Chapter 19: Suprise in Disguise

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                   Kin rolled over and picked up her buzzing phone, it was a video call "Hello"

                 "Good morning" Toka was sitting in one of the stone chairs around the firepit in the center of his family's base camp "Dad said you looked angry, is everything okay?"

               "Long story short... Lincoln called Damon, he claimed that he owned me" She paused and took a deep breath, "I kicked his ass." she glanced beside her and saw that Oz was awake and watching. "I forced him to change to his yeti with my alpha..." She felt her rage building "Turns out...he is one of the yeti that pulled me out of my bed and delivered me to Martin." 

                  Oz jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes and headed for the attic stairs "Stewart, Ramsay...." Kin heard him disappear down the stairs then heard Stewart and Ramsay both snarl. 

                  "Toka, I now wonder if Andre..."

                  "Yeah, most likely. Have you seen Aye and Fae."

                  "Yes... up close for both of them and there is no way they were involved. The thing is, I saw Andre and Damon too but not up close," Kin was so confused. 

                 "Kin," He took a deep breath "You need to..." He took another breath not sure if his advice was right.

                 "I held him down and shaved his yeti form, and" Kin chuckled "I did it on camera" she looked down and tried to calm her anger "and I posted it on as many community sites as I could."

                  Toka cheered then looked off into the background, behind the camera and Kin heard more whooping and cheers. "Good girl, don't ever be upset at yourself for defending you. My brothers are looking for that footage now." Toka laughed. "I know the alpha councils are all going to love this. You might get a few more admirers." 

                 "Can you please research Lincoln" She took a breath "her exes, all of them. Her family, where they are, her kids... as much information about her and her life that you can find."

                 "I agree that is all information that you need now so I'll do it, no strings attached. I think my brothers found the footage so now I have to go, I have got to see this." 

                  "I need to talk to Stewart and Ramsay now too so..." She smiled, "thank you." He winked and hung up "Alright, you can come in." 

                  Stewart, Ramsay and Oz entered the room all three had angry faces on. "On the plus side." Ramsay tried to get his words together. "Stewart and I need to be at the office today and now we are in the right mindset for it." Kin still felt bad that Stewart and Ramsay needed to go back to school to get better jobs to make enough money for the farm. Even though it was Lincoln that has caused them to have to resort to that. Stewart and Ramsay had refused to let her just fund everything, stating that the farm was half theirs and they needed to step up. They did let her help with tuition.   

                 "I really want to hit someone, I figure that at least one of our coworkers is going to be an ass and need their asses handed to them." Stewart was being serious but Ramsay was laughing. 

                "You okay Ramsay?" Kin sat up a little better in the bed "You look like you are about to snap." He nodded "Is it okay if I move to the couch for the day, the kids can veg out with me or run around with Oz getting stuff done around the farm."

                 Oz bumped shoulders with Ramsay "use this anger at the office, when you get home we will discuss how we are going to obliterate him." Stewart and Ramsay both chuckled and bumped fists with him then headed to the office. Oz scooped Kin up and carried her to the couch. He helped her make herself comfortable then headed downstairs to see how the kids were doing. 

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