Chapter 9: Saved

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      Kin caught the chains the second time they were swung at her and yanked, pulling Etta off her feet. "Nobody believes you anymore, nobody trusts you." Kin growled at her "when I show up with bruises... think of what that will do to your dwindling reputation."

     "You belong to me... he kidnapped you for me..." she laughed "get it yet, I own you."

     "You can't own someone who is above you." Kin was quickly losing the battle to hold in her yeti.

     "How dare you assume you are better than me." Etta ballad up her fist and swung but Kin dodged, her recent training taking over. "You can't avoid me" she sneered at her "I was trained in combat too." Etta began to shake as she tried to let her yeti out.

     "Clearly Marty gets his inability from you." Kin muttered under her breath, but Etta heard and screamed as her dirty blonde yeti came out. Kin immediately noted two very important details; one Kin was larger than Etta and two Etta had bigger claws. Then second bit of information made Kin realize that pulling out her yeti right now would be a bad idea.

      Martin entered the room again and smiled "ah, I see the bruise on her cheek and blood on her shoulder... I really thought it would be worse though my love."

     Etta let out a loud scream and pounced. Kin felt Etta hit her at full force, her head snapped back into the bust behind her. As everything went black all the past bullying and abuse resurfaced in Kin's mind. Etta tackled her ripping and clawing into Kins flesh as she lay unconscious. Martin saw the doorknob tremble and silently ducked back out of sight as the front door was kicked in by Fae.

     Fae in full Yeti form let out a shriek and crouched, getting his footing ready to launch. Behind him Andre snarled and pushed Damon back trying to protect him. Etta stopped, blood dripping from her claws she slowly stood up, dancing from one foot to the other, and let out taunting trills before letting out a low snarl. She looked up and down her opponents with a cocky smirk. Andre flanked by Fae both snarled in return. The hair on the back of Martin's neck stood up as he was made aware that a fight was about to commence over Kin. He wanted... no he needed to be no part of that, he needed to protect his own reputation. Silently he ducked into a side room and slipped out onto the balcony where he made his way up the side of the building to safety.

     Andre swung first sending Etta flying backwards into the double doors of the side balcony. Damon snuck in around his father and changed form, laying atop Kin to protect her, gently he tried to apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Fae and Andre moved to put someone in between Etta and Kin. Etta shook off and stood up snarling, she swung her large claws at Andre and missed giving Fae the opening he needed, he balled up his fist and punched her right in the face. Down she went into a lump on the floor where her yeti retreated quickly.

     Damon looked up to see how it was going to see that Fae had Etta by the hair and was dragging her out the front door to lock her up. "Dad, she's unconscious, still and bleeding..." Damon pushed back a little to reveal blood staining the white fur of his yeti. Andre rushed over changing instantly to tend to Kin.

      Damon let out a sharp howl to summon help and began to help his dad put pressure on the wounds. Help arrived quickly. "Alpha... Fae has lost it, he's pummeling Etta."

     Damon and Andre answered at the same time "let him. Help us." They got the bleeding stopped as they were on their way to the only hospital in the area that knew who they were and vowed to keep it quiet. Kin was in surgery for two hours, Damon paced in the waiting room while Andre went back to try and keep Fae from killing Etta.

     The doctor came out with a smile "she's fine, there might be some scaring... but how much and how bad is dependent on how well she sticks to the treatment. You can go see her now." The doctor pointed at which direction and held up four fingers then two.

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