Chapter 6: Slide back Down

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     "Hey guys," Kin slid up beside Stewart as he casually leaned against the lockers next to hers "I found some old books in my grandfather's stuff." She put her hands on her hips with an air of annoyance "did you know that Yeti is a Sherpa word that was mistranslated it actually means that thing there..." she laughed, unlocked her locker and grabbed her books. "Coming?" They nodded and she turned to head to class while she rolled her eyes. "It's embarrassing..."

     "Seriously?" Stewart chuckled as Ramsay roared with laughter.

     "Yeah, as in oh look at that strange thing over there." She smirked making them roar with laughter.

     "So you two, how does it feel to be bully free." Ramsay smiled

    "Eerie, it's like I'm waiting for her to sneak up and goose me." Stewart frowned.

     "How is she so clueless that she thinks that's welcomed by you?" Kin she ducked into class gesturing to finish the conversation afterwards.

     At the end of class, she was greeted at the door by the guys "Welcomed or not..." Ramsay snorted "that is unacceptable behavior, you don't walk up and goose someone in public to say hello." He rolled his eyes then glanced at Stewart with a playful smirk "so uncivilized."

    Stewart tickled him with a smile "I think she's just so arrogant that she doesn't care." Stewart's phone went off and he quickly responded to the text with a frown.

     "Something wrong?" Kin bumped shoulders with him as she raised her eyebrows at Ramsay.

     "Just...issues" Ramsay sighed revealing his annoyance in the matter.

     "Kinda related to your grandmother's gossip." Stewart smiled at her and put his phone back in his pocket. "We have isolated the intruder and the whiny bitch won't just go away."

     "You seem to really have an issue attracting that type of female don't you?" Kin was being serious but Stewart and Ramsay burst out laughing making her smile. "Oh..." her eyes got wide "please tell me I'm not a..."

     Stewart nearly fell against the doorway to his class because he was laughing so hard but Ramsay smiled "Nope, you're good... you haven't hit the whiny age yet."

     "Let's hope I never do." Kin waved and headed to her class quickly. The day progressed much the same way until they were all headed home. Stewart and Ramsay both had something to do... well deal with in regards to the pack so Kin headed home on her own.

      When Kin climbed off the buss she ran to the house first, intending on heading to the barn to get chores done however "Kin..." Laila called to her. "Come into the dining room please we need to talk."

     "Yes grandma?" Kin was nervous. The day had gone so well she was sure something was bound to happen.

     "Turns out that the school we saved is one that deals exclusively with children and who are more... unique, like you and your friends." Laila plopped some papers down in front of the chair across from where she sat "they want to offer you a full scholarship."

    "But I can't leave now. We just got rid of the bully, school is actually fun now." She sat down and looked at the papers "would they be willing to let me hand it over to someone or hold onto it for a while?"

    "Yes I did ask that, they said they would... but before you give a final answer, think it over okay?" Laila smiled and gestured that she could go ahead and leave now. Kin left, she took her bag and the papers up to her room. Then headed towards the barn. It took her about a half an hour to get the few chores left done. She then headed up to her room to shower and clean up. She glanced at the papers wondering as she headed to the bathroom. When she climbed out of the shower she heard Laila calling to her "Kin, the boys are here to take you shopping for a dress?"

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