Chapter 15 : Erm- Hi?

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Chapter 15 : Erm- Hi?

Ace found himself anxiously standing outside the All Blue Restaurant, having extended an invitation to his Pops and Marco for dinner at this establishment owned by Sanji, his childhood friend.

Eager to introduce them to the culinary delights of Sanji's new venture, he was reassured by their willingness to rearrange their schedules for the occasion.

As he waited, a gentle tap on his shoulder snapped him back to the present, revealing Marco with a friendly smile.

"Yo Ace, hope you weren't waiting too long yoi," Marco greeted, his presence immediately putting Ace at ease, albeit slightly fidgety.

Marco, perceptive yet mistaking Ace's nervousness for mere politeness, suggested they wait inside for their Pops.

"Did you reserve a seat yoi?" inquired Marco, curious about the arrangements Ace had made.

"Yes, Sanji mentioned he'd prepared a booth for us," replied Ace, his gaze darting around, betraying his nervous anticipation.

Marco, noticing Ace's restless behavior, gently suggested, "How about we wait for Pops inside yoi?"

He then led a somewhat reluctant Ace into the restaurant.

Upon entering, they were greeted by Sanji himself, who was momentarily engaged in conversation with a waiter.

Spotting them, he immediately broke into a welcoming smile.

"Marco-san! Ace! Your booth is ready, let me show you your seat and get you the menu," Sanji announced, guiding them with his usual hospitality.

"Thanks yoi, but we're actually waiting for Pops to come first before ordering," Marco clarified, appreciating Sanji's prompt service.

Sanji acknowledged with a nod, understanding their desire to wait for the rest of their party.

As they settled into their booth, Sanji couldn't help but notice Ace's continued fidgetiness, his expression one of concern.

"You okay Ace?" Sanji asked, his voice laced with genuine concern, picking up on Ace's unsettled demeanor.

Caught off-guard by Sanji's query, Ace momentarily lost focus, his thoughts seemingly adrift elsewhere before snapping back to the present, albeit with a response that veered off the original question.

"Huh? Oh, uh, sorry Sanji, yeah, I'll have any drink you recommend," he replied, his voice trailing off as if he were still grappling with another matter entirely.

Sanji and Marco exchanged puzzled looks, both equally bemused by Ace's disjointed reply, before Sanji excused himself to prepare their beverages.

Meanwhile, Ace's restlessness only seemed to escalate, his foot tapping rhythmically on the floor—a sign of his growing agitation or perhaps nervous anticipation.

This did not go unnoticed by Marco, whose patience was beginning to wear thin.

"Alright yoi, something's clearly bothering you. What's going on, Ace?" Marco inquired, his tone a mix of concern and frustration.

Before Ace could muster a response, his attention was abruptly drawn to a towering and unmistakable figure making its way into the restaurant.

"Ah! Pops! Over here!" he exclaimed, eagerly waving his arm to catch Whitebeard's attention, who then navigated through the tables towards them.

Whitebeard's arrival was met with a warm and hearty chuckle, his presence filling the space with a sense of joy and familial warmth as he settled into his seat.

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